Forgandenny @ The Scottish Learning Festival

Blogging for Assessment

Shannah, Caitlin, Chris (former pupil – now Perth High), Mrs Duffy and Mr Donnachie yesterday attended and presented at the Scottish Learning Festival at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. We were sharing our schools work on blogging entitled Blogging for Assessment with an international audience of over 90 delagates at the conference. In fact we were fully booked which was awesome!

 Mr Donnachie and Mrs Duffy explained the reasons for blogging at Forgandenny and the children shared there own blogs and blogging skills with the audience. Chris, Caitlin and Shannah spoke with great confidence and if they were nervous they did not show it. They were a credit to the school and we would like to say a huge thanks and well done for all their hard work.  Below are some of the pictures from the day

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