Tag Archives: planting

The last post 2010/11

This is the last Green Team post before the Summer holidays.  Here are our thoughts this year.

Chris – My favourite thing in the Green Team was deweeding and replanting the boxes at the front of the school.

James- My favourite thing about eco this year was going to Brig in Bloom and planting.

Kai- My favourite part was planting bulbs in the school grounds.

Jennifer- My favourite thing in the eco group this year was feeding the birds all through the winter.

Euan- My favourite part in eco was planting the courgettes.

Josh- My favourite thing was Mr Donnachie because he has been a very good teacher in eco.

Sacha- My favourite thing was feeding the birds in the garden.

Summer Veggies

The Eco team would like to say a big thanks to everyone who looked after our veggies over the Easter Break – we have planted the beans in the veggie plot and the Health Groups are going to look after them now they have been planted. This week we are going to harvest some rhubarb, plant some of our baby courgettes and investigate growing pumpkins (hopefully ready for harvest in time for  Halloween)