Tag Archives: goals

Eco 2013!

It’s a new year at Fogandenny and a new year of eco and we have a lot of targets this year are:

  • The recycling area – redo the signs
  • RSPB Big Bird Watch 2013 – count the birds in our school
  • Check bird feeders – make sure they are always full in winter
  • Food Miles – our new topic
  • Bird Box camera – check on our friends in the bird box
  • Build the Spare Bird Box – well, build it!
  • Herb garden – pland some more herbs
  • Photos – take some and put them on our blog
  • Litter pick – have a big community litter pick
  • Blogging – keep it up to date

So those are Forgandenny’s eco goals for 2013 lets hope we manage to do them all.