Tag Archives: Garden

Apples, Apples nothing but Apples…and a few tatties

Today the eco group were picking apples in the outdoor stage area. They are not eating apples but are good for feeding horses and making delicious pies or jelly. We also dug up the remaining potatoes and harvested the last of the beans. Mrs Little has our potatoes again and will hopefully work her magic once more! All the eco group have some apples to take home and try.

They are all going to try and take a picture of them cooking or using the apples at home and bring it into school.

Esther –  ‘ I didn’t realise how many apples there were just sitting there or falling down from the trees…there were heaps of them and can’t wait to try the pies I am going to make’

Chris  – ‘ It was lots of hard work but at last it is done’

Garden upkeep

Today the eco group are going to be working on some of the work required in the school garden. Litter patrols, willow tidy, apple harvest and harvesting the remaining veggies from the garden.

Hopefully we can bag up as many of the cooking apples as possible and have them available to family and friends of the school to take home and use.

If we have time we will also finish our signs from last week and have them displayed around the school.