Tag Archives: Eco Schools

Eco 2013!

It’s a new year at Fogandenny and a new year of eco and we have a lot of targets this year are:

  • The recycling area – redo the signs
  • RSPB Big Bird Watch 2013 – count the birds in our school
  • Check bird feeders – make sure they are always full in winter
  • Food Miles – our new topic
  • Bird Box camera – check on our friends in the bird box
  • Build the Spare Bird Box – well, build it!
  • Herb garden – pland some more herbs
  • Photos – take some and put them on our blog
  • Litter pick – have a big community litter pick
  • Blogging – keep it up to date

So those are Forgandenny’s eco goals for 2013 lets hope we manage to do them all.

Garden upkeep

Today the eco group are going to be working on some of the work required in the school garden. Litter patrols, willow tidy, apple harvest and harvesting the remaining veggies from the garden.

Hopefully we can bag up as many of the cooking apples as possible and have them available to family and friends of the school to take home and use.

If we have time we will also finish our signs from last week and have them displayed around the school.

Creating energy signs

In the eco group today we created signs to place above and below our school light switches. We hope that these signs will help save energy by reminding people to turn of lights when they are not being used. We also talked about our goals for this year. Our number one eco goal is to achieve our 2nd Eco Green Flag with Eco Schools Scotland.

Also last week we tasted our  wonderful school veggies and everyone enjoyed them – especially the french beans!

Digging the veggies

Today it has been glorious in the Forgandenny School garden. Everyone has played their part in picking broad and runner beans and digging up the Red Rooster Potatoes. We are going to send the harvest to Mrs Little (our wonderful school cook) and she will whisk up some delicious school lunches. Each of the Eco team are also bringing home a sample of the school veggies.