This week we are going to make signs for around the school encourgaing us to look after the environment. The signs will be about saving our resources of energy and water. Can you guess what they might be?
Digging the veggies
Today it has been glorious in the Forgandenny School garden. Everyone has played their part in picking broad and runner beans and digging up the Red Rooster Potatoes. We are going to send the harvest to Mrs Little (our wonderful school cook) and she will whisk up some delicious school lunches. Each of the Eco team are also bringing home a sample of the school veggies.
Bird Boxes
Eco Team 2010
Today is the 1st eco team meeting of the school year. Hopefully everyone has brought a change of clothes with them. Today we are going to harvest all the veggies that have been growing in our school garden over the summer. Fingers crosses we will be able to eat them with our school dinners next week.
The Green Team
We are the Green Team, the Forgandenny Eco Warriors! Our job is to keep Forgandenny Green, Eco friendly and Tidy. We do this by:
- feeding the birds
- gardening (growing fruit and veggies)
- litter pick ups
- recycling and by turning off unused lights
The job of a green team member is brilliant because you get to learn outdoors , get your hands dirty and most importantly save the planet!