Category Archives: Waste Minimisation


The Green Beans are collecting felt tips pens, normal pens and mechanicalpencil’s for Terracycle. Terracycle takes the pens and upcycles them into something useful like: Watering cans and waste paper bins.

Please help us out by sending your old pens, markers and highlighters and send them to the school.

Environmental Review

Today the Green Beans carried out a series of environment reviews on subjects like health and well being, waste minimization, biodiversity, school grounds and energy and many more. These will help us in planning our next steps this year and also in working towards our 2nd Green Flag.

Jennifer – It was a fun activity and made us think about all the things we do in school

Angus – It was sometimes quite confusing because the questions were a bit tricky

Donald – The questions were challenging and it certainly made us think

Amy- Some of the reviews made us think about how good our school really is

Our eco song

This week in the green beans we made up a eco song insted of an eco code!

The song goes to the tune of  Michael Finnagin it and here it is!!

Our Eco Song

There is an eco group in Forgandenny

Recycling things…O so many

Getting Green Flags is their game

All from Forgandenny, denny, denny, denny

We’re the Green Beans from Forgandenny

Feeding birds….O so many

Planting, Gardening, Feeding, Watering

All from Forgandenny, denny, denny, denny

There were some people who were so naughty

Dropped Litter on the ground making it dirty

The Green Beans picked it up quickly

And popped it in the bin again begin again

Saving wildlife they love to do

Caring for bugs and beasties too

Getting Green Flags is their game

All from Forgandenny, denny, denny, denny

Recycling on a very wet day!

Today it is cold and damp at Forgandenny Primary. The Green team have been very busy doing a varierty of jobs.

  • Chris created a leaflet  to go home on the topic of bird feeding and donations we need
  • We decorated our recycling mobile phone box and are collecting for cancer research and Children in Need
  • We sorted out stamps for charity again these are going to Children in Need
  • We coloured in new recycling logos for our  new and improved recycling boxes in school

Planning ahead

We  finally have chosen the roles and jobs. Jennifer is the chair person, Kai, Jake, Josh and Euan are all resources manager, Chris as the secretary and is also the blogger with Esther. After a fair vote we decided that our name is not Eco team but is Green team

We are planning to:

  • feed the birds
  • plant bulbs (ask for donations for this and the above)
  • set up a stall at the Christmas (or another event)
  • sell: recycled pencils, scrappy pads and maybe eco car stickers
  • purchasing a bird bath

Apples, Apples nothing but Apples…and a few tatties

Today the eco group were picking apples in the outdoor stage area. They are not eating apples but are good for feeding horses and making delicious pies or jelly. We also dug up the remaining potatoes and harvested the last of the beans. Mrs Little has our potatoes again and will hopefully work her magic once more! All the eco group have some apples to take home and try.

They are all going to try and take a picture of them cooking or using the apples at home and bring it into school.

Esther –  ‘ I didn’t realise how many apples there were just sitting there or falling down from the trees…there were heaps of them and can’t wait to try the pies I am going to make’

Chris  – ‘ It was lots of hard work but at last it is done’