Category Archives: Health and Well-being

Submitting our results

Today we submitted our results to the RSPB for the Big Schools Bird Watch. We went online and we used the Smartboard to enter our results. After we had inputed our results we compared our results with the rest of Scotland and the UK using the 2011 info.

Jennifer – I enjoyed watching the birds visit our garden

Donald – I didn’t think we would have that many birds visit our garden

Shannah – It was interesting to see how many birds we had compared to other places

Kai – I can’t beleive we saw so many birds in our garden

Amy – It was hooching out there! I don’t think I have ever seen that many birds in the garden

Joe – It was so busy out there it was like a McDonald’s for birds!

Calum – I didn’t think we were going to see that many birds

Environmental Review

Today the Green Beans carried out a series of environment reviews on subjects like health and well being, waste minimization, biodiversity, school grounds and energy and many more. These will help us in planning our next steps this year and also in working towards our 2nd Green Flag.

Jennifer – It was a fun activity and made us think about all the things we do in school

Angus – It was sometimes quite confusing because the questions were a bit tricky

Donald – The questions were challenging and it certainly made us think

Amy- Some of the reviews made us think about how good our school really is

Garden upkeep

Today the eco group are going to be working on some of the work required in the school garden. Litter patrols, willow tidy, apple harvest and harvesting the remaining veggies from theĀ garden.

Hopefully we can bag up as many of the cooking apples as possible and have them available to family and friends of the school to take home and use.

If we have time we will also finish our signs from last week and have them displayed around the school.

Digging the veggies

Today it has been glorious in the Forgandenny School garden. Everyone has played their part in picking broad and runner beans and digging up the Red Rooster Potatoes. We are going to send the harvest to Mrs Little (our wonderful school cook) and she will whisk up some delicious school lunches. Each of the Eco team are also bringing home a sample of the school veggies.