Category Archives: Eco Schools

Summer Veggies

The Eco team would like to say a big thanks to everyone who looked after our veggies over the Easter Break – we have planted the beans in the veggie plot and the Health Groups are going to look after them now they have been planted. This week we are going to harvest some rhubarb, plant some of our baby courgettes and investigate growing pumpkins (hopefully ready for harvest in time for  Halloween)

Eco Code

Today we looked at re-writing our Eco Code. To help us we looked at Eco codes used by other schools. Our code had to include all the things we do to help protect the envirnoment. We worked in small groups to collect all of our ideas and then used Inspiration to record all of our ideas. Have a look at what we have done so far. Next week we will hopefully finish our code and share it with the school.

Planning ahead

We  finally have chosen the roles and jobs. Jennifer is the chair person, Kai, Jake, Josh and Euan are all resources manager, Chris as the secretary and is also the blogger with Esther. After a fair vote we decided that our name is not Eco team but is Green team

We are planning to:

  • feed the birds
  • plant bulbs (ask for donations for this and the above)
  • set up a stall at the Christmas (or another event)
  • sell: recycled pencils, scrappy pads and maybe eco car stickers
  • purchasing a bird bath

Creating energy signs

In the eco group today we created signs to place above and below our school light switches. We hope that these signs will help save energy by reminding people to turn of lights when they are not being used. We also talked about our goals for this year. Our number one eco goal is to achieve our 2nd Eco Green Flag with Eco Schools Scotland.

Also last week we tasted our  wonderful school veggies and everyone enjoyed them – especially the french beans!

The Green Team

We are the Green Team, the Forgandenny Eco Warriors! Our job is to keep Forgandenny Green, Eco friendly and Tidy.  We do this by:

  • feeding the birds
  • gardening (growing fruit and veggies)
  • litter pick ups
  • recycling and by turning off unused lights

The job of a green team member is brilliant because you get to learn outdoors , get your hands dirty and most importantly save the planet!