Category Archives: Eco Schools

Environmental Review

Today the Green Beans carried out a series of environment reviews on subjects like health and well being, waste minimization, biodiversity, school grounds and energy and many more. These will help us in planning our next steps this year and also in working towards our 2nd Green Flag.

Jennifer – It was a fun activity and made us think about all the things we do in school

Angus – It was sometimes quite confusing because the questions were a bit tricky

Donald – The questions were challenging and it certainly made us think

Amy- Some of the reviews made us think about how good our school really is

Our eco song

This week in the green beans we made up a eco song insted of an eco code!

The song goes to the tune of  Michael Finnagin it and here it is!!

Our Eco Song

There is an eco group in Forgandenny

Recycling things…O so many

Getting Green Flags is their game

All from Forgandenny, denny, denny, denny

We’re the Green Beans from Forgandenny

Feeding birds….O so many

Planting, Gardening, Feeding, Watering

All from Forgandenny, denny, denny, denny

There were some people who were so naughty

Dropped Litter on the ground making it dirty

The Green Beans picked it up quickly

And popped it in the bin again begin again

Saving wildlife they love to do

Caring for bugs and beasties too

Getting Green Flags is their game

All from Forgandenny, denny, denny, denny

The last post 2010/11

This is the last Green Team post before the Summer holidays.  Here are our thoughts this year.

Chris – My favourite thing in the Green Team was deweeding and replanting the boxes at the front of the school.

James- My favourite thing about eco this year was going to Brig in Bloom and planting.

Kai- My favourite part was planting bulbs in the school grounds.

Jennifer- My favourite thing in the eco group this year was feeding the birds all through the winter.

Euan- My favourite part in eco was planting the courgettes.

Josh- My favourite thing was Mr Donnachie because he has been a very good teacher in eco.

Sacha- My favourite thing was feeding the birds in the garden.

Eco 2010/11 -The Challanges

This year we have had many weather related challanges due to snow and rain

In November the school had very bad snow, due to this we could not get to the garden for over five weeks!. When the snow finally melted we discoved that many of the beautiful plants had died.

In May the school had really bad weather. The wild wind brought down  many trees incuding the old apple tree in the stage area.

Not all are problems are due to the weather. Our video birdbox  still has nothing in it maybe next year we will be third time lucky!

Eco 2010/2011 – Our Successes

It has been a very busy year in the Green Team – Here are a few of our successes.

  • Blogging was one of our biggest successes as you can see! 
  • Our veggies are flourishing considering the fact they were battered by heavy winds.
  • The garden is beautiful thanks to the parents for all their hard work at weekends.  We take our hats off to you!
  • The birds have stayed around only because of our hard work and your donations. Thanks!
  • The birds also stay around because of our brand new bird feeders.

Those are some of our main successes but we’ve done lots more things over this year – check out our blogs for all the details