Category Archives: Eco Schools


The Green Beans are collecting felt tips pens, normal pens and mechanicalpencil’s for Terracycle. Terracycle takes the pens and upcycles them into something useful like: Watering cans and waste paper bins.

Please help us out by sending your old pens, markers and highlighters and send them to the school.

Eco 2013!

It’s a new year at Fogandenny and a new year of eco and we have a lot of targets this year are:

  • The recycling area – redo the signs
  • RSPB Big Bird Watch 2013 – count the birds in our school
  • Check bird feeders – make sure they are always full in winter
  • Food Miles – our new topic
  • Bird Box camera – check on our friends in the bird box
  • Build the Spare Bird Box – well, build it!
  • Herb garden – pland some more herbs
  • Photos – take some and put them on our blog
  • Litter pick – have a big community litter pick
  • Blogging – keep it up to date

So those are Forgandenny’s eco goals for 2013 lets hope we manage to do them all.

Outside in the garden

Today the Green Beans did a variety of jobs in the garden. These were

  • washing the water  tray for P1-2 ready for use after winter
  • planted some new bulbs at the front of the school to make it look better
  • we tidied and swept up an area of the garden to make it look better for P1-2 to use in their outdoor learning
  • we made sure that all the bird feeders were filled up with seeds and nuts

Next week we are going to call Eco Schools Scotland to find out about our 2nd Green Flag.  We are also going to think about what veggies we should plant for growing this year.

Submitting our results

Today we submitted our results to the RSPB for the Big Schools Bird Watch. We went online and we used the Smartboard to enter our results. After we had inputed our results we compared our results with the rest of Scotland and the UK using the 2011 info.

Jennifer – I enjoyed watching the birds visit our garden

Donald – I didn’t think we would have that many birds visit our garden

Shannah – It was interesting to see how many birds we had compared to other places

Kai – I can’t beleive we saw so many birds in our garden

Amy – It was hooching out there! I don’t think I have ever seen that many birds in the garden

Joe – It was so busy out there it was like a McDonald’s for birds!

Calum – I didn’t think we were going to see that many birds

Bird Feeders – update Dec 2011

Today Amy and Donald were sent out to collect all the bird feeders to be filled up by some of the others in the group. Lots of children in the school donated some of their bird feed from home for us to put in our bird feeders. We have had lots of generous donations so thank you.

Some of the others in the group were on the computer to try and find some bird food recipes.