Outside in the garden

Today the Green Beans did a variety of jobs in the garden. These were

  • washing the water  tray for P1-2 ready for use after winter
  • planted some new bulbs at the front of the school to make it look better
  • we tidied and swept up an area of the garden to make it look better for P1-2 to use in their outdoor learning
  • we made sure that all the bird feeders were filled up with seeds and nuts

Next week we are going to call Eco Schools Scotland to find out about our 2nd Green Flag.  We are also going to think about what veggies we should plant for growing this year.

2 thoughts on “Outside in the garden”

  1. Hi Green Beans – you are doing a great job! As a family that respond to every request for more bird food I’d just like to suggest that you might like to say “thanks” to those that do hand stuff in. We went out to buy it as a family and all got to choose what we were buying for the birds, so even just a wee photocopied note home to say “thanks” for the contribution would be nice to stick to the wall to show how we all work together and appreciate each other’s projects and groups at Forgandenny.

  2. We appreciate your comment and are in the process of making flyers to say thank you (Thanks for the good idea). We have had a great response to our previous flyer and would like to say a great big thank you on behalf of the Green Beans.

    Thanks, Jennifer + Shannah

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