Environmental Review

Today the Green Beans carried out a series of environment reviews on subjects like health and well being, waste minimization, biodiversity, school grounds and energy and many more. These will help us in planning our next steps this year and also in working towards our 2nd Green Flag.

Jennifer – It was a fun activity and made us think about all the things we do in school

Angus – It was sometimes quite confusing because the questions were a bit tricky

Donald – The questions were challenging and it certainly made us think

Amy- Some of the reviews made us think about how good our school really is

Tidying the garden

Today the Green Beans managed to pick up two wheelbarrows worth of rotten apples from the school garden today. It was a yucky job and took a lot of effort and hard work! We tidied it up and now it looks a whole lot better. Hopefully the birds will eat the leftovers and the compost heap with enjoy the apples. We think it was a worthwhile job because the garden looks a whole lot better.