Craigie Christmas Countdown 2015

Craigie Primary School and Parents’ Association

Christmas Countdown


Tuesday 1 December – Tree & Stage up in the Hall

Tuesday 1 – 11 December – Christmas Post in School          

Thursday 3 December – Christmas Discos

  • Nursery and P1 disco will be from 1.30pm – 2.15pm
  • P2 and P3 disco will be from 2.20pm – 3.15pm                              
  • P4 and P5 disco will be between 6.00 pm and 7.15 pm.              
  • P6 and P7 will be between 7.30 pm and 9.00 pm.

Friday 4 December – Christmas School Lunch

Saturday 5 December – Christmas Fayre 10am -12noon

Monday 7 December – Over 50s Concert 1.30pm-3pm

Tuesday 8 December -P1&P2 Infant Nativity Rehearsal 2pm

Thursday 10 December – P1/P2 Infant Nativity Performances

  • AM Show 10am – Sleepy Shepherd
  • PM Show 2pm – Sleepy Shepherd

Tuesday 15 December – Cinema /Movie Treat

Wednesday 16 December – Nursery Christmas Rhyme times & Santa

  • AM Session 10.45am-11.45am  
  • PM Session 2.45pm -3.45pm

Thursday 17 December – Christmas Church Service 2pm -3pm

Friday 18 December – 12pm school closed for Holidays

Tuesday 5 January 2015 – Happy New Year & New Term 9am


Scavenger Hunt Cancellation

Due to a small number of ticket sales and the dubious looking weather forecast, the PA have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Scavenger Hunt which was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 24 June 2015. Our sincere apologies for any disappointment

Craigie PA would like to thank you for all of your continued support throughout 2014-15.

Have a Happy Summer Holiday.

Louise Thomson (DHT) & Craigie Parents’ Association

Partial Solar Eclipse

Keen to catch a glimpse of the Solar Eclipse this morning, the children and staff gathered in the playground with their homemade viewing devices.

The eclipse can be seen clearly on the device that Claire P6 is holding.

The excitement continued as the children returned to class to discuss and learn more about the event they had just witnessed.


Comic Relief 2015 Fund Raising

Many thanks to all the children and their families who have supported our fundraising day for Comic Relief by painting their faces funny and dressing up whilst paying money.

Totals to follow soon.

A great big THANK YOU to Caroline Smith who donated her time to the school this morning by painting staff faces and giving all the money paid to the charity, very kind and generous indeed.

Face Painting 13-3-15
Face Painting 13-3-15

Jambouree Choir

Edna Auld formed the Jambouree Choir in 2005 with 18 boys and girls of primary age. Their first engagement was to sing “Highland Cathedral” at the opening of Perth Concert Hall in the presence of HM the Queen.

There are currently 35 members ranging from 5-24 years, with members from throughout Perth and Kinross. There is no audition for the Choir and membership is entirely free to all young people thanks to Youth Music Initiative funding.

Youth Music Initiative funding of £2000 per year pays the honoraria of the vocal tutor and the assistant director. All other staff, including our director, Edna Auld, work on a voluntary basis.

Through the Concerts money is raised to support further education of talented students, and also staff development. 4 of the senior singers have recently attended the Oxenfoord international Vocal School for Singers and Accompanists together with the Vocal Tutor and Assistant Choir Director. This was all paid from funds.

Through the generosity of supporters, most of the money was raised to record the latest Jambouree CD.

There are currently a few places for boys and girls from P4 upwards, and for secondary and other students, in the tenor and bass sections. Changing voices are also welcome. Enquiries regarding possible membership can be made through the “Contact Us” page.




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