House Tutors meet with House Tutor Groups on a daily basis for 10 minutes. House Tutor Groups are arranged to include S1-S6 pupils. This allows:
- House Tutors to take regular and active interest in each assigned pupil’s welfare and progress, passing on any concerns they may have to Pupil Support (Guidance Staff)
- Carry out a mentoring/supportive role as necessary – both formal and informal
- Contribute to the personal development of assigned pupils
- Promote the vision and values of the school
- Collect and share information on personal/wider achievement
- Monitor attendance and any unexplained absence including truancy and issue attendance concern letters if no note is received from home, passing on relevant information to PT Guidance
- Check planners/uniform
- Encourage pupils to update their profiles
- Provide support, information and advice
At key points in the school year, House Tutors will have an extended period of time (40 mins) to meet with their Group. For example, this may allow report cards to be discussed with a particular year group, whole school issues to be considered, or young people’s views to be gathered about a range of school related matters.