All posts by Mr Diamond

Picky Trip March 2024

Five primary schools went to the picky to do a fun trip of activities including: the arena inflatables; run, jump and throw; and swimming. The schools involved were Shapinsay Primary, Eday Primary, North Walls, Rousay Primary and Papay. We arrived at 9:45 and went in to the arena inflatables for an hour then went in to the run, jump and throw for another hour then ate our lunch and swam in the leisure pool for an hour. After our activities, we asked a member of staff to have a chat about their job at the picky and then we came back on the 4 o’clock boat.

 Written by the IT group

The Vikings Are Coming

Our school term subject this year is the Vikings.

We did work on longhouses and played a Viking game called Hnefatafl which is a bit like chess, because the intent is to capture the king, but it is different because of the layout and the ways to win. There are two sides: the defensive and the offensive.

The offensives goal is to capture the king.

The defensives goal is to get the king to a corner.

Jason made us this Hnefatafl board.

Cinderella and Rockerfella

We are currently rehearsing the 2024 play Cinderella and Rockerfella. We have been rehearsing each week, trying to remember lines and lyrics to all the songs. This week we are also having a costume fitting.

The children and staff of Shapinsay Primary School will be performing “Cinderella Rockerfella” on March the 13th at 1.30pm and 6.15pm so don’t forget. Dont miss out on this once in a lifetime performance. The leading roles in the play are  Cinderella and Rockerfella. Also featuring Dan Deeny,  Buttons, Jason the Janny as Augustina and Val the Cook as Anastacia (the ugly sisters), and many other excellent cast members, too many to mention. This week we are fitting the costumes for all the children there are a few people without costumes yet however we should have everyone’s costumes soon.

November  / December News – written by the IT group 

Shapinsay School Tree Lighting

The children sang songs outside by the tree on Friday 1st December.





Then the P7s turned on the lights on the tree after the singing. We have also decorated the small tree inside the school.


Children in Need 

We have been doing some children in need fundraising. We raised £165.96. We did a change snake and the bearpee challenge, so that is how we raised so much money. We did the bearpee challenge through the week before the big day and the change snake was a lot of fun.


Human Skeleton and Australia

P5-7 have been learning about the human skeleton and an interesting fact that we learnt is that a baby has about 300 bones and an adult has 206. The largest bone in our body is the femur which is the thigh bone.

P1-4 have been learning about Australia and some interesting facts about it.  We have also been learning about some animals over there too. Have you ever wondered why they wear sunhats with corks on the end of strings? it’s actually to keep flies, midges and mosquitos away.