P7 Soaking 2024


On Monday 17th June the P7s did some bike-ability because they haven’t done any this year. When they were on their way back from the bike shed, Mrs Bews asked if she could take their jackets without them being suspicious. When they ran round the corner, lots of parents were ready, waiting to soak the P7s. One of the parents even had a freezing cold water tank on the back of a trailer.

Castle Walk

On Tuesday the 25th of June our school went on a walk to Balfour Castle. We all ate our snacks in the castle garden and then we went to the cannons and saw the highland coos and the highland calves, loads of people thought they were cute.  The cannons were blocked up by concrete and we saw all the flower beds and there were lots of bushes. Everyone had the choice to pick one flower each but not everyone wanted one.   

We do the castle walk every year but this time I got to see the back of the castle for the very first time. I also got to see the castle gardens, which I have not seen in years. There is also a very interesting pattern made out of clover next to the castle. It has one big patch in the middle and smaller patches around that.