Dates in May


1st May  May Day Holiday

3rd May  Parent Consultations

1st – 5th  May Instrumental Course

5th May  Coronation Coffee Morning

We had a great time at our Coronation Coffee Morning

Lots of people came along and enjoyed all the fancies our parents had made.

We concluded the event by planting a lovely tree so we can always remember the day.

A child from each class helped with the planting.

Thank you everyone for all your help and for coming along to celebrate with us on the day.

8th May  Public Holiday

11th May  Tag Rugby Sessions

15th –  May  Parent Council in Peedie Cubby for 2 weeks

17th May  Pre-School Parent Consultations

22nd May  Scrap Store Revamp

23rd May  Fluoride Varnish Day

26th May  Orkney Folk Festival Performance