After the very sad news we received last week from St. Andrews Primary, where all the alevins died over the week-end, the Troot in the Shed team and the Orkney Trout Fishing Association were on the case right away! Sourcing some alevins was the a priority as so much work had already been put in by the pupils, their teacher Mr. McIntosh (see the posters below) and Conrad the janitor. Mr. Ewing came up with the quickest solution and arranged to transfer some of the Kirkwall Grammar alevins to the St.Andrews tank in order to keep the project going and provide the children with the experience of seeing the alevins slowly turn into miniature trout and eventually releasing them into the nearby Burn of Quoykea.
Over 100 alevins made the trip from KGS to St.Andrews and after measures were taken to prevent alevins from being sucked up by the pump, the tank was buzzing with life again!
Thanks to Mr Ewing and the pupils of KGS for allowing us some of their alevins, we are back up and running with a new improved pump security system. (The alevins will have to huff and puff really hard to get into this set up!)
The water quality and tank set up seem to be working well. The alevins are hiding under the gravel we have in the bottom which might need to be reduced. They seem to be surviving well and swimming about once located in the tank.
Thanks again to all for the help and support.
Mr Mc
Hello St. Andrews. Glad everything is back on track with you 🙂 We really really like your posters! Mrs Muir thinks we should do something like this next year so we can put them in the corridor so the rest of the school can see what the project is all about.
From Primary 5,6,7 at Sanday School.
That would be a very good idea indeed ! We could even organise a competition with all the schools involved in the project and have the posters judged at the Orkney Trout Fishing Association annual general meeting. Feel free to make suggestions!