Homework 07.11.17

Well done to the children who handed their homework in on time and were given a raffle ticket for our prize draw!  Every child in the school will receive a raffle ticket, if they complete their homework and hand it in on time (on the Monday).


For your homework this week Primary 5 I would like you to practice the spellings of

  1. heard
  2. might
  3. used
  4. woken
  5. half
  6. often
  7. around
  8. between
  9. while
  10. where

Please play “to me, to you” with an adult (the adult begins by stating the word you are about to spell.  You then reply with the first letter of the word.  Your adult should say the second letter, you will say the third and so on until you have spelled the word).

Secondly, please create 4 sentences using the words above.


We have been revising multiplication as an extra activity this week. An excellent game is to be found on Topmarks called ‘Hit the Button’.  We are moving on to practising the 2, 4 and 8 times table, so it would be a good idea to focus on these three when you are playing.  The Active Learn site has been experiencing some technical difficulties and is not working at the moment.  You may still play on Sumdog.


Additionally, in your jotters, please write out the 2, 4 and 8 times table.  You could even ask an adult to test you!


This Sunday is Remembrance day and we will be learning about what this means on Wednesday afternoon this week.

Please research and answer the following questions:

  1. What is Remembrance day?
  2. Why do we hold a two-minute silence?
  3. Why do we wear poppies on Remembrance day?
  4. Why do some people wear white poppies or purple poppies?

If you do not have access to a computer, you are welcome to use the class I-Pads to do this research, I will make sure that I am in the class for the last 20 minutes of lunch on Thursday and Friday to give you a chance to do this.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Miss Donaldson

Homework 31.10.17


This week the high frequency words that we are focussing on are:

  1. write
  2. woke
  3. sometimes
  4. different
  5. following
  6. inside
  7. other
  8. such
  9. through
  10. together

For your task please copy the words out three times into your jotter. Then, order the words from most difficult to remember to least difficult to remember.  Come up with a spelling strategy for your three most difficult words.  For example, the word together is made up of three separate words (to get her = together).


As ever, you are expected to log on to Heinemann Active Learn to play some maths games.  You are also welcome to use SumDog at home.

You are also asked to complete a maths worksheet entitled ‘Stepping Out’ in which you will be counting up in steps of either 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7.



Finally, research the SSPCA and write down 3 facts or pieces of information that you discovered.


Miss Donaldson


Today in RME we learned about the Buddhist festival of light.  We learned that Buddhists often create flags and display them outside of their homes to make them more colourful.  We created our own flags and, in the middle, we wrote what our hopes and dreams are for the future.

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