This week’s sound is ‘igh’. Practise reading the list of ‘igh’ words out loud every night from your sheet and time yourself. Can you get faster each night? Record your best time each night and stick the sheet in your jotter.
Can you write a silly story using as many of the words as you can?
We will be continuing to work on understanding a text and whether statements are true or false. Talk to your child about the events in their reading books and give them some statements. Which are true or false? Read a favourite bedtime story. Give some statements which are true/false. Can your child identify the correct one? They may wish to record their answers by writing them down.
This week’s spelling words are;
Use the 5 rules of spelling (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check) and write a sentence using each word. Remember a capital and full stop.
We will be working on counting things up to 50 by putting them into bundles of 10 and adding on the units to find the total eg 2 lots of 10 and 7 is 27
4 lots of 10 and 3 is 43.
Use real objects around the house eg pasta, sweets etc and count out different numbers putting them in bundles of 10. Record your answers as drawings and write the number beside it.
We will also be learning the names of 3-D shapes (cube, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cylinder and sphere). Go on a shape hunt around your house. Can you find objects that are each shape? Complete the worksheet and stick it in your jotter.