vendredi le vingt- huit février

Eco Day 2020

One of our activities was  thinking about the use of plastic bags- how often we use them and for which purposes. We agreed that we could all make an effort to either use a cotton re-usable bag instead, or we could help others by managing our own possessions. Hopefully, bedroom floors will be much cleaner and tidier.


As you can see, there were some great ideas and what great thoughts for our Eco Day. In RE we learnt that Christians might give up something for Lent or do something special.  The bags are an early Easter gift for the children to use to use less plastic or do something useful. They can earn Eco points next week as part of Fairtrade Fortnight. Please look at the class blogs for Primary 4 and Primary 5 to see photos of other Eco activities that took place today. Have a great weekend, everyone. 😊

jeudi le vingt-sept février

Yesterday we worked together to make Fairtrade Chocolate Brownies- all of the ingredients were Fairtrade, to link with Fairtrade Fortnight.  This is what the Brownie looked like……

……. before we ate it!

Everyone enjoyed the Brownie and thought it tasted delicious 😋 Well done, everyone – great teamwork!


mercredi le dix-neuf février

Today we were learning to make predictions using evidence from our text. We worked in small groups to find evidence in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory about: Charlie, Willy Wonka, Mr Bucket  and the chocolate factory and then we made predictions of what might happen based on the evidence that we found. We used the thinking routine of Chalk Talk to share our ideas , make comments and ask questions about our predictions.

mardi le dix-huit février

Congratulations to one of our classmates who did very well in her recent dancing exam. Here, she is wearing the medal and holding the certificate that she received. Well done!👍🏻

This afternoon we were using different games to help us recall stations of our times tables more speedily. These games can be accessed at home through Top Marks in your search Engine, then look for the times tables section.

mardi le quatre février

In HWB the second group experience eating a delicious bowl of fruit salad. The groups swapped so that the first group identified which were fruit and which were vegetables from a selection- the tomato 🍅 is the tricky one!



Using Maths Frame to practise our understanding and recall of times tables. Using any online games to improve recall of times tables would be useful.