Homework Term 3


Today the class were introduced to the homework sheet for Term 3 and last week the new word walls for each spelling group were also issued. Please bring in your homework jotter so that this information can be stuck in, if you haven’t already done so. 

Every week, spelling words should be practised using one of the ideas on the sheet given out earlier in the year.

Apart from the grid of activities, there are activities on Sumdog and Activelearn, so that you can practise your mental skills .


 This term we are learning about Living/Non-living things and then we will be moving on to Plants.



Try the games: Variation Grouping, Variation and Minibeast Classification


This site provides other opportunities to research the topics further.

vendredi le vingt-six avril

We were practising grid references and co-ordinates and finished the lesson by applying our learning to a game of Battleships.  There are games of Battleships online if you want to play and practise.

During our art lesson we were learning about sketching. We took the rubbish that we had been saving and then we used the pencil to lightly sketch what we were seeing. Later we used coloured pencils to add colour and detail. The results are amazing- I am very impressed! Have a great weekend, everyone!!

mercredi le vingt-quatre avril

In our reading lesson, we were focusing on using a playscript. Each play had 6 characters so we were all able to have a part. We were learning about how to use a playscript, paying attention to when characters had to speak, and to stage directions.

For our PSHE lesson we were thinking about what makes a good friend. There were lots of ideas and these are the qualities that we came up with.

Returning to drama, we used situations which enabled us to improvise what might happen if someone needed our help! There were some great group interactions, facial expressions and movements, with many children staying in role throughout.

mardi le vingt-deux avril

In Maths we are practising using grid references and co-ordinates. There are good sites on Topmarks which will help you practise the skills we have been learning.

This afternoon we were comparing ourselves with classroom objects to identify the differences.

We came up with 7 processes that make us different from the classroom objects.

mercredi le dix-sept avril

We started the week by revising our knowledge of the alphabet and the order of the letters. Then we used alphabetical order to put words into the correct sequence. After that we learned how to use a dictionary and all of the information that a dictionary can tell you. We practised our dictionary skills by going on a scavenger hunt. Using the guide words at the top of each page was very helpful.

We have also been exploring the properties (faces, edges and vertices) of 3d shapes.

Today in Kodaly music, we were learning the length of musical notes. This example shows te-te, ta-a and rest. It was fun playing the musical corners game!