jeudi le 18 juin

Good Morning Primary 6,

Today, as part of our Health Week, is Thoughtful Thursday.  Here are a few activities for you to choose from:

Post a Hug- cello tape paper together. Lay down on top of it and put your hands out to each side. Ask someone to draw your outline. Colour it in.  Post your hug to someone special.

Family and Furry Four-Legged Friends – Who or what do you enjoy spending time with? Is it a family member or a pet? Spend 15 minutes giving this special person or four-legged friend some love and attention.

Write a Poem or Draw a picture for someone you love. Think about a special person in your life. This could be a friend, family member or someone else. · Write a poem or draw a picture for one of these special people. Share it with that person once you have completed it.

An Attitude of Gratitude Each day take a few minutes to talk, reflect or pray for things you are thankful for. Write or draw a picture of one of these special moments, things or people this week.

Feel Good. Do something this week that makes you or someone in your house feel happy. It could be drawing, baking, exercising, dancing or simply giving someone a big hug!

Take Care,

Mrs P

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