Our reindeers antlers were just the thing for our Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day.
Remember tomorrow the school is being used as a Polling Stationso school is closed for pupils. Christmas Shows on Friday at 9.30 am and 1.30pm.
This afternoon we looked at the story of the first Christmas and started to make our antlers that we will wear to the Christmas Lunch on Wednesday.
Remember tomorrow is our Christmas party and we would be grateful to receive donations of crisps, drinks, sweets, funsize or shop bought cakes. If you wish, you can wear your own clothes or party clothes to school tomorrow.
If you havenโ t brought in your black bottoms for the show, please bring them in ASAP.
Remember, as part of our homework, you should be prepared to present your Santaโs sleigh Design as a model, poster or PowerPoint on Wednesday 11th December.
About 1/2 the class have brought in their black bottoms for the Christmas Show .
If youโre out at the shops this weekend, please pick up a donation for our Christmas Party being held on Tuesday. We are looking for juice, individual packet of crisps, funsize chocolates, sweets or shop bought cakes.
Have a good weekend!
This afternoon we were revisiting similes and then illustrating them. Some people have brought their black bottoms for Christmas Show but there are many pupils who still need to bring something in. The black bottoms must in school by Monday 9th.
We are also looking for donations of food and drink for the P6 Christmas party on Tuesday 10th December. Please send in juice, individual crisps, shop bought cakes, fun size or sweets .
Thank you.
Yesterday we finished our class novel, Diary of the Wimpy Kid. This morning, we reviewed the book by preparing answers to 6 questions. We then took part in a Consulting Line Up and practised good communication skills of speaking clearly and listening attentively. Then we completed a Thinking Routine called a CSI for the book.
Please bring in black bottoms (skirt, leggings, jeans, trousers etc) for Christmas Nativity from now on. Bottoms must be in school by Monday 9th December at the ver latest- thanks.