This morning we continued our work looking at one of our skills for learning- communication. Mrs Keith joined us and we managed to organise the “I can” statement into categories: physical, understanding, rules and sharing.
Monthly Archives: November 2019
P6’s Visit to the Memorial Peace Garden
Writing a Diary from a Character’s Point of View 
This morning in writing, we created a diary entry from the view point of as a Disaster Response Worker of the Nepal Earthquake 2015. This was part of our Natural Disaster Work.
This afternoon we were very busy planting Hazel Tree saplings. We learnt how to use the T-notch planting technique. This technique is ideal for grass covered ground but not bare soil. We planted our saplings in the far corner of the school grounds, beyond the football goals.
Natural Disasters
This afternoon, we looked at the devastation caused by the Nepal Earthquake of 2015 and its impact of the people. We were shocked to learn that often there are after shocks or tremors which continue to inflict more devastation on the people.
Please remember to bring your PE kits tomorrow and also a warm coat and wellies, if you have them, as we will be planting trees that have been donated by Woodlands Trust.
We were all delighted to hear that P6 were awarded the Cool Class Cup for brilliant singing of the Nativity songs. Next week, we are looking forward to a relaxing afternoon when we get to a watch a movie.
This Monday, weather permitting, we will go up to the Peace Garden to mark Rembrance Day. Please ensure the children are wearing a coat, preferably with a hood, and suitable footwear. We also have PE on Monday and I would ask that you please ensure everyone remembers to bring their PE kits. Thanks for your help with these matters.
Finally, anyone hasn’t returned their permission slips to allow children to be taken out of school, must return them by Monday 9am or unfortunately they won’t be able to come to the Peace Garden.