Visitors to P6

This week P6 were visited by Mr Carter, a geologist, and his wife who was a chemist.  They helped P6 to become Soil Detectives.  Everyone worked at the three different stations learning many new things about soil.

Today we were joined by Gerry for Microfitness as a special treat for St Andrewโ€™s Day. We certainly got our heartbeats racing as we completed the military fitness course.

Our Nativity this year is on Friday 14th December.  For the performance, the school will give the children a top to wear but everyone needs to bring in something black to wear on their bottom half e.g. black trousers or black leggings or black skirt.


Trip to the Luggie

Yesterday we went to the Luggie with a geologist called Paul Carter. We learned that the rocks around the Luggie are mainly mudstone, sandstone and clay. These rocks are over 300 million years old, when Scotland was at the Equator. We also collected soil samples and we are going to investigate them when Mr Carter returns to our class in a fortnight. 

Peace Garden

Yesterday we found out why we wear poppies today.  We looked at the poem, โ€œ In Flanders Fieldsโ€ by John McCrae.  We then thought about 3 different photographs from World War I.  We used these questions to help us:

1) I see

2) I think

3) I wonder

This afternoon we went to the Peace Garden to learn more about how our community remember those people who have given their lives for our country.

On Monday we are going to the Luggie with a geologist called Paul Carter to learn about rocks, souls and minerals.  You must bring a warm waterproof coat and wellies or old shoes/boots. 

The secret word is Geologist!