Homework 27/2/18 – 5/3/18



Everyone has their own spelling list for this week. Please follow the instructions on the sheet.

 World Book Day 1st March

Fill in the World Book Day Top 5s activity and we can use your favourites to discuss choices and preferences in reading.


Please complete your multiplication facts sheet to help you become more confident in using the times tables.

Practice saying the times tables at home. Play Times Traveller/Around the World as we do in class and try to beat as many people as you can!

Use your Activelearn account.


It is now Fairtrade Fortnight and everyone has the chance to design a Fairtrade mascot! All of the details are on the back of the sheet, so pay attention to them in order to achieve success.

lundi le vingt-six février

This afternoon we started to create landscape pictures using different patterns and colours. We are considering how we can mix warm and cold colours and a mixture of pattern textures to best effect.

The site www.foodisafactoflife.org.uk is the information site we explored this morning. Go into the 8-11 age group and then Healthy Eating. If you click into Key fact 2 where we found the Eatwell Challenge, put Energy Balance into the search box and the interactive active should appear.

jeudi le vingt-deux février


Continuing our work on homophones, we had a look at to, two and too. We are trying to find ways to help us remember how to use words correctly . Soon we will create a Top Tips for language leaflet!

Victorian P.E. is more fun than we thought it might be! Knowing our left from our right is vital when we are doing marching drill  and some of us need to practise!  Today we played some Victorian games: skipping, skittles, hoops and “closest to the wall”. It was brilliant to see the faces on the children who managed to skip for the first time- evident delight,  pride and in some cases…  astonishment!

mercredi le vingt et un février

Today we were treated to some very good Victorian information presentations. There were quizzes, games, facts, family trees and lots of postage stamps. We will be looking at the work of the artists who were mentioned and will have the opportunity to try out some of the games.

In P.E. we tried out some of the activities from a Victorian Drill. Check out our moves:

Straight  backs, bend your knees, swing your arms together!!

lundi le dix-neuf février

In number as one of our multiplication strategies we were exploring array patterns to show how the same station e.g. 36 can be shown in different ways. When we had found the array patterns for our focus numbers, we challenged our friends to find suitable arrays for other numbers too!

On Wednesday we will present the information from our Victorian homework. One of the Working with others tasks was shown to the class today and everyone was very impressed!

Homework 20/2/18 – 26/2/18


Copy the paragraph into your jotter and use the common prepositions listed to describe Paul’s journey to work. Read for meaning and find the most sensible preposition before writing anything!

At about 6 a.m. Paul walks _________ the door and goes _______ the stairs. Then he walks _______ the garden path and tiptoes carefully _________ the rickety old bridge. He walks ____ the fence and ______ Farmer Brown’s field which has beehives _______ it.  Now, he must head ___________ the Blue Hills until turning right ________the post box in Appleberry Road.

across      along     around      beside     down       in      near        through       towards


You have started to learn about different strategies for multiplication and we have been practising partitioning.

Please complete the following calculations in your jotter using the partition strategy and be careful with the stations of the times tables – write them out to help accuracy.


1)  376 x 7       2)  468 x 6       3)  294 x 7       4)  809 x 8       5) 714 x 9


1)  76 x 7       2)  68 x 6       3)  94 x 4      4)  89 x 6      5) 74 x 5


1)  26 x 2       2) 38 x 3       3)  44 x 5      4)  19 x 3      5) 54 x 4


We have been discussing factors that affect our health and we know that exercise is very important in helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This week you will check how much exercise you are getting by filling in the exercise diary. Taking the dog for a walk, activities at clubs and walking to the shops – these are all activities which can be included.

Victoria Sandwich recipe

Hi all. There will be more photos put onto the blog tomorrow – unfortunately the I-pad needed to be charged, so I could only upload 2 photos!

The recipe that we used was the BBC Good Food Classic Victoria sandwich recipe and it was pretty easy to follow. One of the homework tasks for numeracy on the homework grid involves measuring out ingredients for a Victoria sponge. If you want to, you  could bake the cake, take a photo and we could have our very own “Great Victorian Bake Off competition”!