Primary 6 have been so good that they have won the Cool Class Cup again,
Monthly Archives: December 2017
P6 Homework Week Beginning 11th December
Christmas Homework
Choose 3 colours. You may not use any other colours. Now colour the baubles but make sure that each one is different. (You may use each colour more than once on any bauble if you wish.) If you run out of baubles you can draw more on paper. How many different designs can you make? Use bauble sheet given to you from Mrs Pollock.
This will be the last homework until 2018!!!!
Tomorrow is our dress rehearsal at 9.15am. Some children have still to bring in their party clothes to wear on stage.
It’s also Christmas Lunch tomorrow and, if they want, children can wear a Christmas jumper and bring in a non-perishable food item for Cumbernauld Food Bank.
Next Monday, it’s P5-7s Christmas Party. The party will take place after lunch but children can wear their party clothes to school. Please donate either a bottle of juice, shop bought cakes, multipack of crisps, fun size sweets/chocolate or a packet of sweets to share.
Letter to Mother Christmas
In our writing this morning we wrote a reply letter to Mother Christmas. We were writing as Father Christmas who was apologising for leaving Mother Christmas alone every Christmas, amongst other things. We watched a short clip of Raymond Briggs, “Father Christmas” to help us write our letter from Father Christmas’s point of view.
Six children have brought their costume in for the school show. The children have been asked to bring in clothes they’d wear to a party as our song in the Nativity is about celebration. Please ensure that your child’s costume is sent into school by Tuesday 11th December.
Dates to Remember:
Wednesday 13th Dec Christmas Lunch, Christmas Jumper Day, bring in a non pershiable food item for food bank. Also Dress Rehearsal
Friday 15th Dec – Nativity morning and afternoon performances
Monday 18th Dec – P5-7 Christmas Party. Children to wear party clothes and bring in a contribution for the party food (crisps, juice, shop bought cakes, sweets, fun size chocs etc). Obviously the party clothes could be the same clothes worn to Nativity performances.
Nativity Rehearsal
Today we practised the P6 song for the Nativity. It was the first time we got to practise on the stage. The Nativity is next Friday morning and afternoon and tickets are still on sale (£2 a ticket). The children have been asked to bring in clothes, that they would wear to a party, for the dress rehearsal by Tuesday 12th December.
P6 Homework W/B 4th December
Many children still need to spend time learning their tables. It would be helpful if the children could have their times tables “at their fingertips”. The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths. Each child in the class knows what tables they should be working on. Between now and Christmas we will be having table tests every week.
Group 1 Focus on 2, 5 & 10 x tables
Group 2 Focus on 2,3,4,5,6,8,10 x tables
Group 3 Focus on 2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9 & 10 x tables
Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:
Chant/Sing/Write the tables out (this website has links to many other websites)
Between now and Christmas we will have a tables test every week.
Add speech to these sentences. Don’t forget puncuation before clossing ”
- Bessie asked Joanne, “__________________”
- “_____________________,” cried the robber.
- The big bully shouted, “______________________”
- Aunt Sally asked, “________________________”
- “____________________,” said the teacher.
- “_____________________” asked the old lady.
- My friend shouted, “____________________”
- “____________________” the dentist said to the boy.
Make up three speech sentences of your own, adding the speech marks in the right places.