This morning all classes in Woodlands were taking part in Big Writing. This week we were looking at recognising and using descriptive language. We looked at an “up-levelled” text and searched for evidence of VCOP, then we looked at other texts that described monsters and finally we continued the next paragraph of a story by using descriptive language to describe the monster.
Monthly Archives: September 2017
Health and Wellbeing (HWB)- Am I Safe?
Volcano Activities
This afternoon we were learning more about volcanoes. We worked in groups and had four activities to complete: an art activity; a research activity in the different shapes of volcanoes and what they looked like; a sort activity when we had to sort cards into two piles For and Against why people live next to volcanoes and we found out about Extinct, Dormant and Active Volcanoes. Continue reading Volcano Activities
Visit from Mrs Briggs (Woodwind Instructor).
This morning Mrs Brigg came to all of the P6s. She was demonstrating how to play the clarinet, flute and saxophone. She played a few tunes on each instrument and we were able to name the tune. Anybody who brings back their parental consent form can meet Mrs Brigg next week to see what instrument would suit them best.
If you haven’t brought back your permission slip, please do tomorrow. Also, remember we’ve got PE tomorrow.
Homework W/B 11th September
I can use different powerful verbs in place of “said” Read through the sentences and then choose a word from the list below them to replace the word ‘said’. Make sure that the meaning of the sentence is not changed. 1) “Stop that!” said the irritated teacher. (yelled / stammered / cried) 2) “Did I upset her in some way?” said Prince Albert. (shouted / questioned / asked) 3) “Don’t worry,” I said to him, “It was Ann who upset her.” (whispered / sobbed / explained) 4) “We need to get out of here quickly,” Billy said to Bob. (muttered / shouted / replied) 5) “I like that!” said the handsome boy. (questioned/ exclaimed / screamed) 6) The boy said to the girl, “Give that back to me now!” (laughed / asked / demanded) 7) The teacher carefully said to her class how to complete their art projects. (shouted /questioned / explained)
Maths. Pick one of these activities to do then go onto SUMDOG Rounding to the nearest 10 1. 23 2. 54 3. 67 4. 82 5. 49 6. 72 7. 76 8. 34 9. 89 10. 12 11. 41 12. 55 13. 78 14. 94 15. 77 16. 43 17. 27 18. 95 19. 32 20. 29 Or Round these numbers to the nearest 100 1. 265 2. 315 3. 45 4. 694 5. 301 6. 655 7. 745 8. 781 9. 423 10. 381 Or Order decimals Write each set of decimals in the correct order, from smallest to largest : 1. 3.3 3.03 3.33 0.33 3.031 2. 2.16 6.12 1.62 1.26 1.2 2.1 6.2 2 2.61 3. 0.3 0.26 0.193 4. 4.12 2.14 2.4 4.1 2.04 4.02 Round each of these decimals to the nearest whole number 5. 1.3 1.45 1.67 8.2 2.8 3.433 Continue these sequences: 6. 1.3 , 1.5, 1.7, ____ , _______, _______ 7. 2, 2.15, 2.3, ____ , ______, _______ 8. 1.34, 1.24, 1.14, ____, _____, _______
Extreme Earth I can identify the internal structure of the Earth |
Read the definitions and fill in the blanks, and then draw a diagram
Crust – the _ _ _ _ _ surface of the Earth. The crust is quite thin like the _ _ _ _ of an orange and is thinner under the _ _ _ _ _ _.
Inner core – the solid iron-nickel _ _ _ _ _ _ of the Earth that is very _ _ _ and under great pressure.
Mantle – a rocky _ _ _ _ _ located under the _ _ _ _ _. It is extremely hot – about _ _ _ _ degrees C. Outer core – made of metal so hot that is _ _ _ _ _ _. This layer moves slowly and produces a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ field. |
outer layer oceans centre crust
hot skin magnetic liquid 5000
Neatly draw a diagram in your jotter to show the structure of the Earth. Remember to use a ruler to draw the label lines. Use the labels: inner core, outer core, mantle and crust.
Big Write
Maths Trail
This morning we went outside to create questions for our very own Maths Trail. We worked with a partner and had to create 10 questions for someone else to complete. Here was our success criteria:
Even though the weather wasn’t great, we enjoyed learning outside.
Tomorrow we have PE, please remember to bring your PE Kit. Don’t forget Parent Information Evening this Thursday.
Homework W/B 11th September
A simile is the comparison of two unlike things using the word ‘like’ or ‘as’, e.g. an example of a simile would be as big as a bus.
Now write some sentences comparing a monster with things.
- The monster had hair as curly as……………………..
- The monsters had ears like……………………
- The monster had a nose as long as…………..
- The monster was as tall as……………………….
- The monster had eyes as blue as……………………..
- The monsters legs were as thick as………….
- The monster had muscles as big as……………..
- The monsters mouth was as wide as………………
- The monster had teeth like………………….
- The monster was as scary as…………………
Maths: Go into your Active Learn account ( Use your password and username. Remember the school account is 6KWA.
Other (Maths Week)
Create a poster about a famous (or not so famous) mathematician, with a bi-ography and description of his/her maths. You need to research and write about a mathematician’s life and his/her maths.
You should produce an A4 page on each of the following:
- Biography (all about their life)
- Overview of Maths work
- Any other interesting points (this will vary depending on who you choose,
but could include: practical examples; other academic work; other mathematicians who worked on similar problems)
You should also include a bibliography of any books or websites you have used.
Your poster must also contain:
. Title
. Colours
. Pictures
Your poster may contain:
. Quiz/Questions
. Summary/Quick Facts
Maths Week
As part of maths week, we joined together with P6 to complete a Maths Trail in and around the school.
The questions really got us thinking and we had to use a lot of problem solving skills to find the answer.
When we were evaluating our learning in the outdoor classroom, everyone agreed that today’s lesson was, not a lot of fun , but a great way to learn and we had to use lots of different maths.
Find shapes bigger than 4 sides in the playground
Put these blades of grass into order but they can’t be in order of length. How many ways can they be ordered?
Evaluating our learning. What questions were easy/ difficult? What questions did we enjoy the most?
Fist to 5 to indicate how much we enjoyed our learning today and how much we learned.