Tonightโ€™s Performance ๐Ÿค ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽŸ๐ŸŽซ

Tonight is our premiere of The Rootinโ€™ Tootinโ€™ Rodeo. Children should arrive at 6.30pm and they can bring a small drink & snack, if they wish.  The show starts at 7pm.

Children will get changed into their outfit for the show then P6s will go to Miss Donaldโ€™s classroom and P5s will go to Miss Parkโ€™s classroom.  After the premiere, Children will leave their outfit in school for tomorrowโ€™s matinee then they can be collected from the classroom door or fire door of Miss Donald or Miss Park.   Every child must be collected by a responsible adult at 8.20pm.

These will be the same arrangements for tomorrow nightโ€™s performance unless otherwise stated.

Writing Advertisements

This morning we continued our work on advertisement. We were writing an advert for a hoverbike.  Weโ€™ve started to plan our advert, keeping in mind the success criteria. Tomorrow we will write up our advert and post them in our blog

Interviewing an Athlete

This morning, as part of our Health and Well Being work, we had to interview someone who has a career in sport.  We interviewed Lewis Brown, Scottish Champion for 400m and athletic coach at Broadwood. We asked him lots of questions about how he got started in athletics, how many medals he has won, how does he prepare for competitions, who inspired, how does he train,  and what other sports heโ€™s been involved in?

We then had a few races with Lewis and we were amazed at his speed.  Mrs Pollock couldnโ€™t take part because she didnโ€™t want to run faster than Lewis.

Anyone who hasnโ€™t brought in their outfit for the school show, the dress rehearsal is tomorrow so it needs to be brought to school tomorrow.


Measuring Braking Distances

This morning, as part of our maths and road safety work, we measured out the braking distances for 30mph, 40mph, 50mph, 60mph and 70 mph.  We were shocked to discover that a car travelling at 40 mph needs 36 metres to stop safely.

7 children still need to bring in their outfit for the school show. Please send into school ASAP- thanks.


This week there is no formal homework.  However, previously for homework, you were asked  to organise your outfit for the school show.  Your outfit must be brought to school this Wednesday (14th June)  in a bag with your name on the bag.

Rehearsals are in full swing and today any left over tickets were available to buy from the office.  If you havenโ€™t got your tickets yet please send in your money asap as we donโ€™t want you to miss out on our fantastic performance.


This morning we were hoping to go outside for athletics but due to the monsoon that hit Cumbernauld, we decided to play some athletic games indoors.

If you havenโ€™t already done so, please remember to bring in your outfit for the school show by Wednesday 14th June. It would be helpful if you could put your name on the bag with your outfit in.

P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 5th June 2017


Blue Group Read Ch 12

Green Group Ensure you have read to the end of the book.

Red Group Read Ch 6 & 7


Decimal Fractions-tenths.  Iโ€™ve uploaded work onto everyoneโ€™s Active Learn Account.  There are many activities to choose from.  Pick at least 3.


  • Make yourself some number flashcards from 31-60 and then words in French e.g. trente- trois 33.
  • You can use the number sheet given to you by Mrs Pollock. Teach someone at home these numbers in French.
  • Play with a partner by placing the cards face down now see how many matches you can find. The winner is the person who finds the most pairs.



School Show Costume

The school show takes place on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June.  Please discuss with someone at home your costume.  The theme of the show is country music so we are thinking jeans/denim skirt, t-shirt, neck scarf, checked shirt, waist coat, cowboy/girl hat etc.  N.B. There is no requirement to have all of these items or indeed the need to buy anything new, they are merely suggestions and please use what youโ€™ve already got at home.

This is the last week when you can purchase 2 tickets for the show.  Next week any tickets that are left will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Remember school trip on Wednesday.  Please ensure your child wear a school jumper or polo shirt and brings a waterproof jacket.


Maths Decimal Fractions

Today we continued our work on decimals.  We were able to order decimals, illustrate decimals and split numbers into tens,  units and tenths.

Remember tomorrow is our school trip. You need to bring a lunch, if youโ€™ve not already  ordered one from school, and a waterproof jacket.