WWII Workshop

This morning we finished off our learning about WWII with a workshop delivered by the museum staff of NLC.  Hugh was very impressed with our knowledge of WWII.  We loved answering his questions and exploring the artefact Hugh brought along.

P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 30th May 2017


Blue Group Read Ch 10 & 11

Green Group Read Ch 10 & 11

Red Group Read Ch 4 & 5



Aim: To research information for records, create a database and use it to search for information.

  • Decide on a topic you would like to gather information about, or use one of the field heading strips on APM 628 (given to you by Mrs P).
  • Set up a database for your topic. This could be on paper or on a computer.
  • Research information to add to it – don’t make it up.
  • Complete as many records as you can.
  • Make statements describing at least five facts which you found out by searching your database. For example, All the dramas are over 20 minutes long. There are no sports programmes on Channel 2.



On the 8th June, the country will go to the elections.  Look at the election communication coming through your door or research online.  Can you find out who is standing for the constituency of Cumbernauld and Kilsyth?  What are their manifestos?  Have a chat with adults you know well, if they are prepared to share with you, find out who they are voting for and why.  Remember this is personal information so do not record this chat.


School Show Costume

The school show takes place on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June.  Please discuss with someone at home your costume.  The theme of the show is country music so we are thinking jeans/denim skirt, t-shirt, neck scarf, checked shirt, waist coat, cowboy/girl hat etc.  N.B. There is no requirement to have all of these items or indeed the need to buy anything new, they are merely suggestions.  Please use what you’ve already got at home.


Introducing Probability

This afternoon we started to look at probability.  We explored with the terms: certain, unlikely, very unlikely,  imposssible,  likely and very likelyWe had to put into order events according to their probability.  We investigated the outcomes associated with a dice and then looked at how likely or unlikely certain events would be.

P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 22nd May 2017


http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/symmetry-point.html Test your understanding of rotational symmetry!


Can you correctly identify how many lines of symmetry these shapes have?



Play Who Wants to be a Millionaire Probability          http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/maths/mathsF2.htm



Was vs Were Verb-noun agreement

Success steps

  • Identify the subject (noun) and the verb.
  • Identify whether it is a singular or plural noun (Remember: not all plural nouns end in ‘s’ e.g. geese, teeth)
  • Rewrite the sentences using ‘was’ or ‘were’ Remember you use ‘was’ for singular and ‘were’ for plural.
  • Then in brackets at the end write whether the noun was singular or plural.


e.g. The truck______ on fire.


Truck = subject and it is singular.


The truck was on fire. (Singular)


  • The book wasn’t difficult. It_________easy.
  • Dinosaurs ­­­_________ prehistoric creatures.
  • Sandra________ not at school yesterday.
  • John and I ___________ in the garden.
  • The ladies _________ swimming in the sea.
  • When I ______ younger, I played with teddies.
  • We ______ away on holiday last week.
  • _______ the exam difficult?
  • _______ the exams difficult?
  • Sarah _____ sad.
  • The Olympic gold medals ________ heavy.
  • The feet _________ smelly.
  • The film ________ not very exciting.
  • _____ your teacher ill yesterday?
  • The students ________ in London last year.
  • I _______ having fun at the park.
  • Why ________ your brother sad?
  • He __________ eating his apple.
  • The house _______ abandoned.
  • Cars ________ lined up along the street.


Health and Well Being


How many times can you Beat the Street?  Will you walk, cycle or run?   Don’t forget 2 hits = 1 point.  Make sure an adult knows where you are going and who you are going with! Remember if you take a selfie and send it to the school’s blog or show Mr Green or Mr McMullan you will be entered into a prize draw.


Songs for the Summer Show

Learn the lyrics for both songs.  Children have been given a copy of the lyrics for both songs.

P5s- Hey Brother and Islands in the Stream

P6s- Ho Hey and Dance the Night Away

Empty Classroom Day

Today we went over to The Luggie Nature Reserve as part of The Empty Classroom day which was yesterday.  We celebrated outdoor learning and play by continuing our maths work on graphs.  When we arrived at the Luggie we were saddened to see all the damage caused by fire.  We are unsure if the fires happened naturally because of the dry month of April or if it was deliberate. Have a look at the great graphs we created!

P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 15th May

Maths Continue Data Handling

Misleading? – Look through the newspaper or a news website together and find articles displaying data or statistics of any sort.  Consider or discuss together how accurate this data is, and whether or not it has been presented in such a way as to mislead or influence the reader.  If a good example is found, ask your child to bring it into school for discussion.

Switch It!  – Look online or in the newspapers to find information that has been presented as a table, pie chart, bar graph or line graph.  Challenge your child to take the information and change it to a different form (e.g. from a pie chart into a table).  How does this affect the way we think about the information?  Bring an example into class to discuss with the teacher.

Website 1 – http://www.skysports.com A rich source of tables to analyse and interpret.

Website 2 – http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/data-graph.php A simple tool for creating bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts.

Website 3 –  http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/maths/handling_data/representing_data/revision/1/ An excellent website for rehearsing and extending knowledge and skills linked to displaying and interpreting data.  This is quite challenging.

Website 4 – http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/data-handling A range of interactive data analysis activities.


Literacy – Subject/verb agreement

In a sentence, the subject and verb must agree with each other.

The boy was playing. Some children were playing.

Task 1 Choose the correct form of the verb to agree with the subject in each sentence.

  1. The dogs_______________ barking. was/were
  2. Jamie ________________chocolate. like/likes
  3. The boy ______________toothache. has/have
  4. Foxes_______________ chickens. eat/eats
  5. Who________________ it? did/done

Task 2 Write these sentences correctly.

  1. We was late for dinner. _________________________
  2. I wants a cake. __________________________
  3. The bike are broken. ____________________________
  4. Badgers lives underground. _______________________
  5. She were swimming. ____________________________

Health and Well Being

How many times can you Beat the Street?  Will you walk, cycle or run?   Don’t forget 2 hits = 1 point.  Make sure an adult knows where you are going and who you are going with! Remember if you take a selfie and send it to the school’s blog or show Mr Green or Mr McMullan you will be entered into a prize draw.

Songs for the Summer Show

Learn the lyrics for both songs.  Children have been given a copy of the lyrics for both songs.

P5s- Hey Brother and Islands in the Stream

P6s- Ho Hey and Dance the Night Away


This morning, before the sun came out, we had PE outside on the school field.  We practised our throwing, catching and fielding skills before taking part in a game of rounders.  Even though it was very cold, we had great fun.

Remember to keep practising the songs for the school show.

WW2- Rationing

This afternoon we learned more about rationing with Miss Murray.  We made carrot cookies, sequenced events to do with rationing, made a  propaganda poster promoting rationing and investigated clothing rationing.


P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 8th May

Maths – Data Handling

Toss a coin – Have your child toss a coin 20 times and use tallies to record whether it lands heads or tails.  Now repeat the activity with a sibling or yourself.  Collate the results and create a block graph to show the combined results.  Compare graphs and discuss similarities and differences.

Media search  – Ask your child to look at advertisements (on TV, in newspapers or magazines, in leaflets around the home) and to try to find examples quoting numbers of people responding to survey questions, for example, ‘86 out of 139 women said Magic Shine is the best shampoo’.

Surveys and questions  – Ask your child to discuss or find examples of questionnaires at home. They could ask parents or carers if they have been asked for information as part of a survey or questionnaire, for example, giving feedback on products or about a holiday.

Collecting & using data – http://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/content/primary/maths/data_handling/index.html

Make your own graph – http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/data-graph.php

Data Games –  http://nrich.maths.org/9031

Literacy- Instructional Writing

Choose something that you know how to do really well.

Here are some suggestions:

  • How to play a computer game
  • How to make your favourite snack
  • How to make something out of paper (aeroplane, hat, boat etc)
  • How to perform a search using a search engine
  • Make brief notes.

Remember the Success Criteria:

Tell me what you are going to make.
List of what you need
Equipment list tells you how much of each item you need
Instructions are split up into small steps.
Each step is given a number
Use instructional verb
Use time connective (First,  last, next, then)
Write in sentences with fullstops and capital letters
Don’t use slang
Pictures or photographs show us what to do
Words are easy to understand

Use a word processing program (like Word) to create your own set of instructions.

Check your work and get someone else to check it too.


Health and Well Being

How many times can you Beat the Street?  Will you walk, cycle or run?   Don’t forget 2 hits = 1 point.  Make sure an adult knows where you are going and who you are going with!


Songs for the Summer Show

Learn the lyrics for both songs.  Children have been given a copy of the lyrics for both songs.

P5s- Hey Brother and Islands in the Stream

P6s- Ho Hey and Dance the Night Away