This afternoon we used many artistic skills such as shading, drawing and blending to begin our Camouflage Soldier. We also used different mediums such as charcoals and pastels, Today we sketched the soldiers face trying to capture their emotion and use pastels to create camouflage helmets. Tomorrow we will use tissue paper to create the background then assemble our work.
Monthly Archives: February 2017
Homework W/B 27th February
Please check your Active Learn Account. New work, for you to do at home, has been loaded to your account.
Contraction in Action.
- Task: Contract the words that are underlined. Rewrite the poem in your book with the contractions in place.
I would have said “I told you so”,
But you would not have listened to me.
You did not give a fiddle that someone might have caught you doing, what we all know you did.
Do not blame me that you have no tea,
You should have thought of that before.
“You will go to your room and stay there until you learn!”
“It is not fair!”
You may well despair as your tummy rumbles.
He who does not grumble is humble instead.
But that is not you so you are off to bed.
Very shortly,
Down the stairs he will come.
It is a shame.
We have forgiven.
She will always give you a second chance.
She is our mum.
Extra: Can you find any other possible contraction in the text? Put them into a sentence of your own.
For the next 4 weeks, our World War II homework will come from the sheet given to you by Mrs Pollock. You will have a choice for homework and earn House Points for the homework you bring in. Choose at least 2 activities per week from the sheet. Keep the sheet somewhere safe as you will need it until 31st March.
Newspaper Report from 4th September 1939
This morning we continued our newspaper report writing. This time we were using the information from Friday’s lesson on the outbreak of World War II. This is our second newspaper report and we found it a lot easier this time around. We were able to identify our success criteria quickly and use our knowledge of the outbreak of war to write super newspaper reports.
Homework W/B 20th February
Real-life time – at home or in their local surroundings, ask your child to look for representations of time shown on clocks, whether on real clocks or on posters, in newspapers, etc. both analogue and digital format. Ask them to draw them in their homework jotter.
Have a look at this website:
There are many worksheets which involve telling the time both in analogue and digital times. There are also many ICT games to play. Pick at least 6 activities from this website.
Design a clock, watch or time keeping device. Bring it into class to show the rest of the pupils.
Go to this website and find out which day of the week, date, month and year you were born on.
Monday’s Child by Mother Goose
Monday’s Child is fair of face
Tuesday Child is full of grace
Wednesday’s Child is full of woe
Thursday’s Child has far to go
Friday’s Child is loving and giving
Saturday’s Child works hard for a living
But the Child that is born
On the Sabbath Day,
Is witty and wise and good and happy!
Can you find out what the poem says about other people in your house?
Times Tables – Keep practising them. Many children’s scores dropped last week in their tables test.
WWII Research
Choose from:
Research your family tree and find out which family members were alive in WW2. Can you find out anything else about them? Did any of them serve in the army, navy or RAF (Royal Air Force)?
Research and write a short biography about a famous character from WW2 e.g. Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler or Neville Chamberlain.
Compare and contrast fashions of Wartime Britain and Britain today.
Create a graph comparing the size of armies from different nations.
The Outbreak of World War II 

This morning, as part of our open morning, we started our new learning on World War II. We thought of lots of things we already know about WWII and what we like to find out. With our parents, we put into order events from WWII onto a timeline.
This afternoon, in the ICT suite, we used google maps to identify countries in Europe in 1939. We were then able to identify those countries in the axis and the allies. To finish the day, we watched the start of the DVD “Goodnight Mr Tom” when war was declared.
A big thank you to the parents who were able to come along to our open morning Continue reading The Outbreak of World War II

Woodlands Got Talent 


This morning in PE, we had a warm up then practised our badminton skills before taking part in a tournament. It was very competitive and gave us the chance to use our skills. Lots of people forgot their PE kit. Remember we have PE on a Monday and Wednesday. Reminder: Spelling test on Friday as well as Woodlands Got Talent .
This morning, I’ve also uploaded new maths homework on Active Learn.
Extreme Earth- Tornadoes
P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 6th February
The children now have access to an exciting new set of online resources via Active Learn. The easiest way to find the resource is to use google chrome and search for active learn login
Each child has been given a username, password is woodlands and the code below password (beside the calculator image) is 6kwa. Once you are logged in remember you may have to allow pop ups to access the resources. Each child has been allocated resources that they can choose from.
- Reading
Green group read chapters 9 & 10 of their group novel
Blue Group read chapters 9 & 10 of their group novel
Red Group read their new book
2) Learn these spellings for a test on Friday. Pick at least 7 words from your list and put them into a sentence.
Spelling Group 1 ee and ea: steam, team, treat, meat, eat, tea, sea, seed, need, tree, see, bee
Spelling Group 2 on and en endings: happen, seven, kitten, mitten, given, fatten, sudden, button, lesson, person, skeleton, Prison, season, poison.
Spelling Group 3 el endings: camel, panel, chapel, gravel, travel, chisel, jewel, novel, cancel, satchel, kestrel, tinsel, mongrel, hostel, cockerel
3) Miss Ferguson’s Special Homework to be handed in on Friday 10th February J
4) Extreme Earth: Look at the three experiments below. Chosen one of them to make at home and bring into school on Thursday 16th February