Bon Week-end!

This morning we continued our work on speech marks.  Everyone is making good progress and some people used very impressive powerful verbs for said like: murmured, uttered, screamed and yelled.  We also revised some greeting in French.

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Have a good weekend and I am so looking forward to seeing and hearing all your home made musical instruments on Monday (as part of this weeks homework). ๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽบ๐ŸŽท๐ŸŽง.

Cumbernauld Living Landscape

This afternoon we worked with the people from Cumbernauld Living Landscape.  They were helping us learn more about our green corridors here in Cumbernauld and the wildlife that lives there.  We had four stations we had to move around:

  1. Feeling Furry- matching animal fur to the animals found locally in Cumbernauld.
  2. Tell Tale Tracks- spotting and identifying the tracks that animals leave behind by using a key.
  3. Skull Duggery- matching the teeth, shape of teeth and shape of the skull to wild animals.
  4. Dropping Hints- match the poo, yes poo,  to local animals by looking at it closely and smelling it!!

Finally, we had to listen to a sound clip and match the sound to animals found locally.

Our work continues next Tuesday with Cumbernauld Living Landscape when we will go outside.  Please remember to bring waterproof footwear as well as warm and waterproof clothes.

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Homework W/B 27th September 2016

Literacy:  We are looking at speech marks.

Task One

Put the speech marks in the correct places, however, you will also need to add all the other punctuation that is needed as well.

Watch out for any questions or exclamations.

  1. Hello said Greg
  2. You look tired said Martin
  3. Can I come in asked the man
  4. No screamed the man
  5. Come here, I want to see how much you have grown said Grandma
  6. Is that my bag. I thought Iโ€™d lost it asked Daniel
  7. Run! The dog is after us. Shouted Sally
  8. I know what I want for my birthday said Tina

Task Two

How many other words can you think of that you could use instead of the

word said. Write down at least eight other words for said.


Maths:  We are looking at fractions.

Task 1 Find the answer to:

1/7 of 49=           1/7 of 56=           1/6 of 18=           1/6 of 12=

1/6 of 42=           1/7 of 42=           1/7 of 14=           1/6 of 60=

Here are some websites that you may find useful!

Task 2: Coin collection (1/10) โ€“ Ask your child to find one 10p coin.  Ask them to draw around it ten times, colour some and them write what fraction of ยฃ1 the coloured set is, e.g. 40p is 4/10 or ยฃ1 or 90p is 9/10 of ยฃ1.

Task 3: Coin collection (1/5) โ€“ Ask your child to fine one 20p coin.  Ask them to draw around it five times, colour some and them write what fraction of ยฃ1 the coloured set is, e.g. 40p is 2/5 or ยฃ1 or 80p is 4/5 of ยฃ1.

Task 4: Sorting objects โ€“ ask your child to sort 20 small identical objects, such as 1p coins, grapes, sweets into two equal groups, then into four equal groups, then five equal groups and then 10 equal groups.  They record the number in the groups, e.g. ยฝ of 20=10, ยผ of 20 = 5 etc ask them to note when a group or groups have the same number.

Fractions โ€“

Dolphin racing โ€“

Fractions of something โ€“



Design and make a musical instrument that can change pitch and can make a loud sound and quiet sound.  Use junk material you have been collecting.  Remember to make your instrument as good looking as it sounds.  Your instruments donโ€™t need to be handed in until Monday 3rd October to give you time to work over the weekend.


Jotter Check in for Table 2 on Friday 30th September- thanks.








The Five Pillars of Islam

We are delighted to welcome two new children to our class this morning.  I am sure P5/6 will make them feel very welcome.  This afternoon we continued to learn more about the Five Pillars of Islam.  We had to cut out and glue 2 statements and match them to one of the pillars.  We were surprised to find out how much we now know about the Five Pillars of Islam.

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Wednesday 21st September

This morning all of our P6s went for playground training with our Active Schools Co-ordination, Stephen. This was to help train P6s when they become buddies or playground helpers.

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Meanwhile P5s went over to the Luggie to collect sign of Autumn for the infantsโ€™ play area.   We were all very keen to find conkers so had to research what a conker tree looks like and then we  began our search.

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Report Writing

This morning we identified our success criteria for our reports on he work of the SSPCA.  This follows on from our SSPCA workshop last Friday. We will complete our reports tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrowโ€ฆ.P6 must remember to bring in their PE kits, if theyโ€™re not already in school, as the active school co-ordinator is going to give them some training for playing with the younger pupils.

P5 bring your wellies as weโ€™ll go outside for PE/Outdoor Education.

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Homework W/B 19th September 2016

Last week in numeracy we were looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1,000.  Have a go at this:

The answer is 2400 โ€“ Ask your child to write as many multiplication questions as he/she can involving multiples of 10 and 100 with the answer 2400, e.g. 3 ร— 800, 40 ร— 60, 12 ร— 200, 80 ร— 30, 120 ร— 20, 400 ร— 6, etc. Encourage your child to include more than two numbers in the multiplication questions, e.g. 3 ร— 40 ร— 20 or 2 ร— 20 ร— 60 or 2 ร— 2 ร— 2 ร— 300, etc. Other target numbers could be given,
e.g. 360, 4800 or 6400, etc.

Practise your times tables.  Everyone knows what times tables they have to cover.  Here are some websites to help you practise or you can make the TGTs we made in class.  Please record in your homework jotter how you prefer to practise your tables, the websites you visit or if you find a really useful website also write it down in your jotter for others to try.

Here are some website that may help:


Literacy.  Write these lists into your jotters neatly.  Remember to use commas to separate items on the list but the last two items on the list are separated with the word and.


  • Jannah bought a pen and a pencil and a rubber.


  • Saleh had some paper and a ruler and a book in his tray.


  • The room was dirty and smelly and very dark.


  • The flowers were red and pink and yellow and white.


  • The boys liked rugby and football and tennis and golf.


  • Daud and Ibrahim and Dylan and John went swimming.


  • In the bag was some sweets and a pen and some money.


  • Class 3 saw monkeys and lions and tigers and bats at the zoo.


  • Liverpool and Arsenal and Chelsea and Everton were still in the FA Cup.


  • Tyler got a new bike and a computer and a Playstation and a football shirt for her birthday.


House Homework:

Design a coat of arms for your house and the winner of these will then be made and put on the house wall in the dinner hall. Include an animal, something to help you learn, a food, an inspirational person and a motto for the house. You can plan your coat of arms in your jotter but your final version should be completed on the sheet given to you on Monday in school.


As the whole school has been given House Homework, we are going to postpone our making of a musical instrument until after the September Weekend.  There is nothing to stop you getting started on your instrument.  Can your instrumentโ€™s pitch change, can you play it loudly or quietly?


Table 1: Check in on Tuesday 27th September

Friday 16th September

It was lovely to meet some of our parents last night at the Parent Information Evening.  We have been really busy today, as always! This morning our class attended a SSPCA workshop called Pet Patrol delivered by Officer Alex Robertson.  Next week we will write a report on the work of the SSPCA.

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This afternoon we completed our learning logs for multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. We chalked some of our ideas outside.

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Ball skills and following game rules

The pupils in Primary 5/6 have been developing their listening, ball control and team working skills.

Some children have been developing their concentration skills through ball juggling exercises.

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