Weird WednesdayπŸ’₯

Sorry we had no photos

first we had pe we did basketball

Daily mile

we had language we are learning about doing a talk to a group.  When people had done a talk we assessed them as a class. Top tips: move around don’t fidget and eye contact.

we have math we were learning multiplication.




Here is Primary 7s homework


Second Level Homework Term 2: January- March

Listed below are homework tasks for Term 2.

Hand in to teacher whenever you have done any of. Any day of the week


Read a book and create a book review for our library explaining why you recommend this book and who would enjoy it.





Play it. It makes you smarter.

Foreign languages

Create a word list for another language eg numbers, animals etc

Bring it in and we will use it for a week in class!


Cook a meal for someone else (could be as simple as breakfast).

Ask them to give you a review of your meal.

Write it down or video it.



Bring in some objects for our construction zone. Every item gets you 5 house points


e.g. bottle lids, cardboard tubes.


Extra challenge = build something using items in your house that would normally be β€œjunk” and bring it in to show us.


Times tables


Can you write a song/rap about a times table to teach to a younger class. Can use garageband etc.





Ask in your family if there was anybody who lived during WW2.

Ask if you have any objects/items/photos from ww2 and bring them in if you are allowed.



Research ww2 rationing

What were people allowed in a week?

Plan a whole day of eating using the rations for a family of 2 adults and 3 children.


Explain to someone at home what we have been learning about in self-management and what parts of self-management we have explored. Identify where in your life you can get more responsibility for managing yourself.


Find a video about a part of WW2 that you are interested in. Watch it with someone at home and discuss it. Share with the class



Draw, paint, make or design something that interests you.

Bring it in and share it with the class.

Can be something digital.


Design a Fairtrade board game that we can play during Fairtrade Fortnight.

Research and record a Fairtrade recipe that we can cook during Fairtrade Fortnight.


WW2 websites

We are starting a new topic about WW2.


Here are some excellent websites with great facts for kids to research about any part of WW2 they are interested in.

Some political party websites. (written by RM)

Here are a few websites of political parties (this is only some.)

Freedom Party –


Freedom Fighters –

Eco-all-ity –

Mental Health Party –

Racial Equality Party –

Special visitor

today we had a special visitor called Chris who made a popular book called Lucy’s blue day


He told us about the importance of speaking to someone when you don’t feel happy and how this will help you to manage your emotional health.


We are continuing our work on Algebra.

At the moment, we are working on function machines


Here is a great game to help you practice function machines at different difficulty levels.


The kids also have an active learn account which has games to help develop their use of function machines