jeudi vingt-huit septembre

Today we were questioning each other in French about our birthdays. This helped us learn our months of the year and gave us even more practice with our numbers up to 31.

Here is a great song to help you learn the pronunciation of French months.


here are some games to play as well

In maths, we were racing against each other to solve double and half questions. The paper had numbers on them and a question was called out – first person to race to the answer won house points!


Focused learning week 3

Today was our third week of the focused learning and the groups are really coming along great!


the cooking group are basically independent now – they are able to make two full batches, work tidily and clean up after themselves. This makes Mr McMullan’s job really easy!



The technology group has build on the work of the previous two weeks and has nearly made a full bike! We are only missing the pedals, handlebars and the carrying box.


The stop motions are getting better each week and this week we can see the difference in the length of time that the writing is on screen for!


Drama groups are all creating scripts about the work that the charity carries out.


the writing group is the hardest piece of learning to complete. There isn’t a large amount of time and there is a lot to do. No group has yet solved the front cover problem, but we are getting better at organising our work!


In French, we have been learning how to ask about the date and our birthdays.


Here are some recordings of children doing an amazing job at pronouncing French words – remember this is the first time that we have tried this!

Great day at school, well done!

Happy Tuesday

This morning with Mrs Rutherford, we were learning about Buddhism and mindfulness.

We discussed our mindset towards new challenges and towards things we don’t know how to do – if we have decided in our heads that we can’t do something, then it will be much harder to actually do it.

We watched a video about Martyn Ashton who was paralysed in a mountain biking accident last year, but has decided that this won’t stop him riding his bike down a huge mountain!

Watch the video to be inspired to keep your mindset positive.

Technique Thursdays

Today we continued our VCOP learning by writing stories about our monster characters  that we created on Friday.

After that, in Maths we learned more about number bonds and decimal number bonds.


After lunch we went to PE and used keynote app on the iPad’s to make a slideshow about good and bad techniques. We made them for Squats, lunge, plank and the last one you could chose yourself!


By Ciara Watson

Have a great weekend.

Focused learning week 2

Today we had our second week of our focused learning based on our charity topic.



This week’s cooking group were outstanding! they did a very excellent job of working together to follow a recipe and made two full batches!

The only problem was Mr McMullan forgot to bring eggs, but the dinner ladies saved his skin!


We are getting better at making stop motions. Check back again tomorrow to see the finished products.


The bike has had it’s second coat of paint and next week’s group will build the bike.



this week we decided that two people should work on one leaflet because we don’t have enough time to make one each! The meant that the leaflets had more information.


The drama groups wrote two scripts and tomorrow will practice and then show their drama to the class.

Fruity Tuesday

Today in maths, we started a new topic – number bonds.

We remembered our number bonds to 10 and explored how to use these to help us with any number bonds including 1,000 and decimal number bonds.

We played boys vs girls and the boys won!

Rematch tomorrow!


In HWB we were continuing our focus on healthy eating. We are exploring why a food is healthy or unhealthy and what the different nutritional categories are.

Happy Monday & homework

Today we were exploring new reading books and retrieving information from them.

We focused on scanning for keywords to help us find specific information.

We also pushed our heart rate to the maximum in PE. We got a heart rate monitor for our ipads, but it wasn’t 100% accurate. Get one at home and try it yourself!

Homework – to be in for Wednesday 27th September at latest. 

Homework week beginning 18th September



We are practicing our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. We are also exploring new number bonds including decimal number bonds.

Complete the following

6 + _ = 10            2 + _ = 20                      30 + _  = 100

8 + _ = 10            _ + 14 = 20                    51 + _ = 100

_ + 9 = 10            16 + _ = 20                    25 + _ = 100

3 + _ = 10            8 + _ = 20                      49 + _ = 100

Extra challenge questions

290 + _ = 1,000                      0.1 + _ = 1.0                           0.25 + _ = 1.0

350 + _ = 1,000                      0.4 + _ = 1.0                           0.45 + _ = 1.0

893 + _ = 1,000                      1.6 + _ = 2.0                           0.87 + _ = 1.0

If you want even more practice, make up 8 number bond sums with the answer 0.10


There are also lots of excellent maths games on our blog from the last two weeks – play some of them.


We have learned about a new way to improve our writing. It is called VCOP – it stands for Vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation. We include as many of these as possible to improve our writing.

For homework you have to write a 100 word story. You have already designed a monster in class. You need to write a story, start to finish total = 100 words about “my monster on holiday”. Targets are 5 wow words, 2 connectives, 2 openers, 10 punctuation.

Remember connectives like but, however, although, then, until.  Openers can be a time something happened or an adverb eg suddenly, excitedly etc.


Food diary –  to help us identify where we can make healthy choices in our diet, we will be keeping a food diary! I will give children a food diary tomorrow to keep track of their food for the next week.

Focused learning!

As part of our learning about Qhubeka charity, we are following a 5 week focused learning plan.

This means that each week each group does a different subject area, then they evaluate their performance and share this with the next group to do the activity.

The idea is that we get better each week and by the end we are all independent, confident and our learning is at the highest level it can be.



we made African black pepper cookies. They were very delicious and we cleared up really well.



we explored making stop motion with ipads.

This is our first week doing Stop motions, so they aren’t perfect!

This group can now evaluate it’s learning and share top tips for the next group how to get better.


We are building a buffalo bike cooperatively. This week we painted the frame and made a seat and wheels.


We are making information leaflets about Qhubeka using paper wallets.


we wrote drama scripts to show the impact of the work Qhubeka does and created props.

Maths games

Here are some amazing maths games linked to the learning about ordering decimals that we are focused on in maths.

Play them as part of your homework.


This week is maths week! Our homework is maths themed!

Problem solving!

We have been working on our problem solving. We are using RACE CAR to help us

Read the question

ASK – what is it asking me?

Choose how to do it



Check my answer

ANSWER – record your answer

Report your answer.


Here is a problem to solve – use RACECAR to help you! Remember that if you can’t work out the answer, have a guess and check it.


For maths week, choose a maths word and create an acrostic poem (a poem where each letter in the words is the start of a sentence about the word)

You could choose one of these words, or choose your own maths word



As part of our IDL learning, we are taking on a 5 week block of focused learning including cooking, writing, ICT, technology and drama.

Part of this learning will involved building a model of a bike that you have designed. The bike needs to have a purpose – transport, sport, ambulance, mobile classroom bike etc.

Design a bike and label its features. Here’s an example using the Qhubeka “buffalo” bike.