Making ice cream

Today we made ice cream without a freezer and in under ten minutes!


We used high high fat milk mixed with sugar, chocolate and vanilla.

We put this all into a bag and then inside another bag with ice and salt. We then moved this around for 8-10 minutes and the milk turned solid!



School show costumes

We still haven’t received many school show costumes. The dress rehearsal is on Friday so could everyone who hasn’t brought something in please do that ASAP.


As a reminder we are wearing denim on the bottom half and a checkered shirt in top half or a white t shirt if you don’t have a checkered shirt. For shoes  if you have boots, wear them, if not any shoes will do (the darker the better).


Thank you

School trip 2017

We had an amazing day on our school trip today!


The people’s palace taught us all about how life in Glasgow has changed since the 1700s and the we had a great walk around Glasgow Green and played in the EPIC park