Fun Friday’s πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ 🎨🌌

Today, P7 took part in PE. We played games which focussed on using our Communication skills, mainly listening, looking, body language and speaking clearly and loudly.

I have also attached a video of our Northern Lights art and poems as I am so very very proud of everyone’s efforts 🌟 πŸ‘.

Have a great weekend!

Poetic Thursdays ✍️ 🌌

Today, P7 were learning about Haiku, Limerick and Narrative poems. We focussed on creating similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and personification examples about the Nothern Lights and our chosen settings in our art. We then used these to create poems. Pupils chose which type of poem format they wanted to follow. Β I am so proud of every single pupil for their hard work given to their poems. Here are a couple of examples…