Monday 30th March 2020 – Maths

Good Morning everybody:). This week we will be revising addition and subtraction.


To warm our brains up we are going to play Top Marks Hit the Button – Number Bonds (choose the option within this that best suits you).

Activity: You can answer these verbally to a family member or on a call to a friend or written in your jotter. Try to work these out mentally, in your head, using the knowledge of your number bonds of multiples of 10, 100, 1000.

I can recall number bond facts. I can apply my number bond facts.
1.     5 + 5= ___

2.    6 + 4=___

3.    2 + 8= ___

4.    9 + ___ = 10

5.    13 + 7= ____

6.    17 + ___ = 20

7.    30 + 70 = ____

8.    300 + 700 = ___

9.    40 + ___ =100

10. 600 + ___ = 1,000

11.  24 + 56= ___

12. 32 + 46 + 18 = ___

13. 1.1+ 1.9 = ____

14. 5,000 + _____ = 10,000


a)    I have 3 pencils in my pot. It fits 10. How many more can fit in the pot?

b)   Tom has 40 apples; Jemma has 60. How many apples are there in total?

c)    Mary bakes 58 cupcakes, Mandy bakes 42 cupcakes, Lucy bakes 76 and Sarah bakes 24 cupcakes. However, Mary’s dog steals 10! How many cupcakes do they have in total to sell at the Bake Sale?

I can use my number bonds facts. I can apply my number bond facts.
1.     10 – 4 =

2.    10 – 7=

3.    10 -5 =

4.    100 – 40 =

5.    20 – 16=

6.    40 – ___ = 32

7.    1 -__ = 0.4

a)    There are 10 buttons on my coat.

I have fastened 2, how many more are there to do?

b)   Shelly has a box of 100 sweets. She gives 40 to Ben and 27 to Simon. How many does Shelly have left?


Can you make up some addition and subtraction word problems, which require knowledge of number bonds for a partner?

Finisher: Give this game a go! Click on addition and subtraction and then choose your level of difficulty.

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