Percy the pear tree update!

The Eco committee were very worried because Percy the pear tree hadn’t grown any leaves and we thought he might be dead.


However, with a bit of rain and all the brilliant sunshine we have been having over the last few weeks he is alive and well and growing lots of new leaves!

If you didn’t see it first time round, here is the video of us planting it.


Eco assembly

Our Eco assembly was a huge success. We have now rolled out a plastic recycling system across the school to reduce the amount of plastic that we waste.


The children really enjoyed learning the song “you cannae put your plastic in the bin!”!



Congratulations to the children who took part in the plastic throwing competition and won themselves a great recycling water bottle!

Finally, we have the winning entries for the honey label design competition. There were so many amazing designs, but each house captain chose their favourite. When we get our honey crop, we will mix together some of the ideas from these 4 labels to create our final label.


Eco assembly final prep

The Eco committee is ready for it’s assembly tomorrow.

We have planned our songs, videos and presentations and can’t wait to teach the rest of the school about the impact that all the plastic we recycle has on the environment.


Here is our video that we have made to demonstrate the impact of not recycling plastic can have on ocean life.


Eco assembly

The Eco committee have been working hard for the past few weeks to get ready for our Eco assembly next week.


The theme of the assembly is to promote the recycling of plastic bottles, bags and packaging. We are going to explore how plastic can impact on wildlife in the ocean as well as how we can improve recycling throughout the school.

We have written a song for it, created powerpoints, a quiz, planned a competition and are going to make a video to show how lazy recycling can have a negative impact on our environment.


Here are some of the Eco committee members creating a turtle for a prop.


Percy the Pear tree

Today the Eco committee planted “Percy” the Pear tree.

We found a nice spot on top of the hill beside the car park where he will get lots of sun and where the ground will drain well.

Hopefully Percy will enjoy his new home and will grow us lots and lots of fruit this year.



Eco outdoors day March 2017!

Today we had an amazing day cleaning up the school and getting it ready for spring.


We made bird feeders


Planted potatoes


Cleaned up the front garden and planted flowers

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collected litter



planted french beans


and painted the planters

Fairtrade Fortnight results!

Thank you to all of your support for Fairtrade Fortnight.

Alongside raising awareness of We raised a total of £336.33 during Fairtrade Fortnight.

Fairtrade is a very important cause that has a real world impact for many people across the world. Many Fairtrade products are the same price as non-Fairtrade versions and changing our shopping habits a tiny bit can have a large change in the life of a farmer somewhere else.


Well done to everyone who took part.

Bird Feeders!!

Since its super cold and the birds can’t go to Tesco, we thought it would be a good idea to feed them!


We made bird feeders using lard, biscuits and seeds



Then we froze them in plastic cups with a bit of string and hung them up around the school and local area.

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Within 2 days most of them were eaten and now they are all gone! Primary 7 even saw a squirrel eating one of them and having a great time!

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