Fairtrade Baking


Classes have been busy making Fairtrade food like brownies and rice crispy cakes!

This is for the whole school baking competition for Fairtrade Fortnight is in full swing! The Eco committee members are judging each classes entry. Find out the winning class next Friday!

Eco Day

Today all the classes went different teachers to do activities based on Eco subjects.

P7 we’re learning about endangered animals and P5 were making bird feeders.


Article 24 – every child has the right to a clean and safe environment.

Fairtrade Assembly

The Eco/Fairtrade committee did a brilliant Fairtrade Assembly to launch Fairtrade Fortnight.


Article 29 (goals of education)
Education must develop every child’s
personality, talents and abilities to the
full. It must encourage the child’s respect
for human rights, as well as respect
for their parents, their own and other
cultures, and the environment.



The talked about the work Fairtrade does, the difference between Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade products and what Fairtrade does apart from give more money to farmers.


There was a great Kahoot quiz, won by OAK house!


We have also launched the Fairtrade Tuckhshop this week!

Stock has been selling fast.


Available every day at 1030 in the dinner hall.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight starts next Monday

This will involve the debut of the personalised Woodlands Fairtrade T-Shirts (designed by Alex and Dylan in P7)


We will be focusing on learning about the work of Fairtrade and how it helps people around the world throughout the nursery and school.

The eco committee will be hosting a special assembly on Monday as well as:

  • special Fairtrade house tokens worth 10 points each
  • Cooking competition
  • Homework competition
  • Activities

And of course we will be running the Fairtrade tuck shop every day in the dinner hall.

This year, the following chocolate will be on offer

Maltesers = 50p

KitKat = 50p

Freddo = 25p

Fudge = 25p

If you could all support this work through the homework competition and encouraging your children to discuss any Fairtrade activities/learning throughout the next two weeks, this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you