Eco Active Day 2017

Today was the Eco active day and despite the Scottish weather we had an amazing time!


We have been learning about lots of different UNCRC articles as well as learning about the environment

Article 17- children have the right to get and share information which is important to their health. 

Article 24 – children have the right to good quality healthcare, nutritious food and a clean and safe environment.

Article 28 – children have the right to an education.

Article 29 – children have the right that develops their talents and abilities.

Article 31 – children have the right to relax and play.


Activities included


Learning about animals

Learning about how to filter water

Learning about the greenhouse effect

Learning about renewable energy.

Healthy eating and diet


Making bird feeders

Energy Superhero Mascot competition

On Friday as part of our Eco active day, we will be running a design an energy saving superhero competition.

Article 24 – children have the right to a clean and safe environment. 

The eco committee is going to be building an energy saving campaign around the school and the winning superhero will be the mascot for our campaign.

Children will be designing this on Friday during school so get thinking about your ideas!