Eco assembly

Our Eco assembly was a huge success. We have now rolled out a plastic recycling system across the school to reduce the amount of plastic that we waste.


The children really enjoyed learning the song “you cannae put your plastic in the bin!”!



Congratulations to the children who took part in the plastic throwing competition and won themselves a great recycling water bottle!

Finally, we have the winning entries for the honey label design competition. There were so many amazing designs, but each house captain chose their favourite. When we get our honey crop, we will mix together some of the ideas from these 4 labels to create our final label.


Eco assembly final prep

The Eco committee is ready for it’s assembly tomorrow.

We have planned our songs, videos and presentations and can’t wait to teach the rest of the school about the impact that all the plastic we recycle has on the environment.


Here is our video that we have made to demonstrate the impact of not recycling plastic can have on ocean life.


Eco assembly

The Eco committee have been working hard for the past few weeks to get ready for our Eco assembly next week.


The theme of the assembly is to promote the recycling of plastic bottles, bags and packaging. We are going to explore how plastic can impact on wildlife in the ocean as well as how we can improve recycling throughout the school.

We have written a song for it, created powerpoints, a quiz, planned a competition and are going to make a video to show how lazy recycling can have a negative impact on our environment.


Here are some of the Eco committee members creating a turtle for a prop.