Tag Archives: Nature Garden

We are nature detectives!!

We went out into our Nature Garden this afternoon to investigate what types of birds we could find. We recorded our results and are looking forward to finding out if we have attracted a larger variety of birds after our ‘Dig in Day’ on the 30th May. The park rangers are coming along to help us build bird feeders and we hope to see you there .

“It was really cool seeing all the birds.”- Lewis

“I liked seeing all the different kinds of birds.” – Amara

“I really like exploring and finding out what kind of birds are in our Nature Garden.”- Gabrielle

“The birds were very hard to find. I hope we find more after the dig in day.” Mia


The P4’s & P5’s have taken over responsibility for the Nature Garden and are excited about the plans we have to make it an amazing area for us to work and play!!

We were very glad of the beautiful weather when we were out sketching in our nature garden. We focused on a small areas and worked on detail, line and tone.

“We put water into the pond to help the tadpoles as it was getting very dry due to the warm weather” – Sam

“I drew stuff and tried to add in every bit of detail” -Aaron W

“I learned how to focus in on small detail outside.”- Ewan