All posts by Mrs McAuley

Should we have schools?


This week we have been preparing a debate on whether or not we should have schools!!

Some of our opinions were very interesting and we are looking forward to our debate.

“I think that we shouldn’t have schools as it gets in the way of my time to play. “- Sam

“I think we should have schools so that we can challenge ourselves.” – Gabrielle

“I think we should have schools to get a better education. “- Derek

We developed our opinions in groups.

We have also been looking at optical illusions as part of our light topic.

“I was confused with the black dots.” – Louise

“The illusions were awesome because they were messing with our brains.” Amara

Click here to have a look

Thank you!!

Thank you to all the people who visited P5a today. We appreciate your help and hope that you had a nice afternoon working with us. We will upload the photos of our display so that you can see all of our hard work!!

Thanks again!


The P4’s & P5’s have taken over responsibility for the Nature Garden and are excited about the plans we have to make it an amazing area for us to work and play!!

We were very glad of the beautiful weather when we were out sketching in our nature garden. We focused on a small areas and worked on detail, line and tone.

“We put water into the pond to help the tadpoles as it was getting very dry due to the warm weather” – Sam

“I drew stuff and tried to add in every bit of detail” -Aaron W

“I learned how to focus in on small detail outside.”- Ewan