All posts by Mrs McAuley

Hockey skills and super swimmers

While the P5’s were at swimming we have been developing our ball handling skills through hockey. We can dribble, pass and shoot at a target.


‘It was amazing.’  – Sam

‘I learned how to dribble the ball with control and it was fun.’ – Calum

‘Although it’s hard, it’s easy if you try it.’ – Lauren

‘We got to play a game and I now know what it’s like to put all the skills together.’ – Gabrielle


P5/6 superstars

Primary 5/6 have been working super hard this week. We have worked on our reading strategies and as we near the end of our modelling block we are looking forward to getting our own novels. We have also started to look at our Europe topic and have decided on what we know and what we want to find out. We’ve also enjoyed swimming and PE and P5 are looking forward to going back to the Tryst next week to develop our skills.

Exciting Edinburgh




Yesterday we thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Edinburgh. We loved The Camera Obscura and were fascinated by the spooky history of Mary King’s Close. We had lunch Al Fresco (even though it nearly blew away) and got to take in many of our Capitals beautiful sights. We got to hear the bagpipes and had a great view of Edinburgh Castle.

“It took a long time to get there, but it was worth the wait.” Sam

“I was thrilled by the invisible man.” Allan

“I enjoyed all of the optical illusions.” Gabrielle

“I enjoyed the underground tour and finding out about the history of Edinburgh.” Derek

“I had lots of fun in the tunnel that made us feel like we were spinning around.” Amara

“I enjoyed the view from the top on the Camera Obscura.” Kyle

We would also like to thank Miss Kiddie and our parent helpers who gave up their time to come to Edinburgh with us. Mrs Stewart and Mrs McAuley were also very proud of all the boys and girls and would like to praise them on their perfect behaviour. We were even given compliments by the staff and other tourists. WELL DONE!!

School Trip

Please remember P5 are going to Edinburgh on Monday 1st June.

Children should bring a packed lunch and come in non uniform. They can bring a maximum of £5.00 spending money.
Please dress appropriately for the weather!

imagesLets keep our fingers (and toes) crossed for sun!!

What a week!

This week P5a have been working very hard. We enjoyed our swimming and dry sports session at the Tryst. We have been practising for ‘Annie’. We have been learning our times tables and have continued with our debate about whether we should have schools or not! It has been a fun full week!!

“I have been working hard on my times tables and can do them without using my multiplication square.” Cara

I have learned how to hold a debate and I am more confident in discussing my own opinion.” Aimee

“I can  now do the back stroke at swimming.” Kyle

“I was happy that I got moved into the big pool.” Ryan

“I know my tables 2-10.” Morgan

“I have enjoyed doing the dolphin at swimming.” Louise

“I was over the moon that I got put back in the big pool.” Elise

P5a have worked very hard this week! Well done!!


We also have our ‘DIG IN DAY’ tomorrow. If you can spare some time between 11am and 2pm to help us make our outdoor area even better than it already is!!


Do plants need light????

As part of our light topic we are investigating if plants need light to grow. We have planted some seeds and are conducting an experiment on  whether or not light affects plant growth. We will keep our plants in various areas of the classroom so give light, shade and darkness

‘I am interested to see how the plants will grow’ – Lauren

‘I am looking forward to see what plants grow in what place.’ – Gabrielle

‘I can’t wait to see how they turn out.’- Mia

‘I think that the seeds that have the sunlight will grow the best.’ Ewan

We will keep you posted!!

Brilliant Bowls

Yesterday we were very lucky to be able to enjoy a visit to Abronhill Bowling Club. We had a fantastic morning in the sun!

‘It was really fun and I enjoyed my first time at bowls.’- Ewan

‘It was really fun and I seen some of my Grandpa’s trophies.’ – Allan

‘I enjoyed when I got to deliver the jack.’ – Cara

‘The people were really nice and it was fun.’ – Aimee

‘I liked it and I didn’t realise it was that fun to play.’ – Elise

‘I really liked how I got really close to the jack.’ – Ryan

P5a would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the ladies and Drew for all of their help yesterday. We had a ball!!!

We are nature detectives!!

We went out into our Nature Garden this afternoon to investigate what types of birds we could find. We recorded our results and are looking forward to finding out if we have attracted a larger variety of birds after our ‘Dig in Day’ on the 30th May. The park rangers are coming along to help us build bird feeders and we hope to see you there .

“It was really cool seeing all the birds.”- Lewis

“I liked seeing all the different kinds of birds.” – Amara

“I really like exploring and finding out what kind of birds are in our Nature Garden.”- Gabrielle

“The birds were very hard to find. I hope we find more after the dig in day.” Mia