All posts by Mrs McAuley

Another Busy Week

P5/6 have had a very busy week!!


We have been practising for our Christmas Show and we sound great.

‘I find one of our songs quite tricky to sing.’ Lyndsey

We have also beeen looking at money as part of our Enterprise and worked out that we made £80.00 for school funds. We had to calculate what we had spent in order to work out our profit.

‘I’ve learned alot more about money and how to try and make a profit.’ Lauren

‘I know how to make a budget,’ Callum L

We also looked at how much money Joshua would have to save so that he can buy a pet guinea pig. We had to budget for a cage, food, water bottle and bedding. Joshua then had to work out if he could still afford toys and treats!!

We are pleased to say that he can!!

Our Museum Visit

Last week we had a great time visiting the National Museum of Rural Life. We were able to compare and contrast our local area with that of a rural farm.


‘We got to milk a fake cow and it was a bit weird.’ Megan C

‘I learned what people use on a farm and their day to day life is very different from ours.’ Gabrielle.

‘When the farmers milk the cows they dont get a lot of money for their milk.’ Mia

‘We got to see some farm animals and how much hard work goes in to looking after them.’ Lauren

But one thing we did not like was the SMELL!!

Museum of rural life trip

We will be visiting the Museum of Rural Life tomorrow. Could you please ensure all children come prepared.

  • Please remember packed lunches.
  • Children must have suitable footwear and can wear their own trousers/leggings.
  • Children can bring up to £5.00 pounds spending money if they wish.

We are very excited about our trip and can’t wait to tell you all about it!!


This week we very lucky to have Colin, our local park ranger, in to talk tp us about biodiversity and the importance of conservation.


‘We listened to Colin’s PPT telling us all about our local area.’ Aimee

‘Biodiversity is every sinigle living thing on the planet.’ Gabrielle

‘I learned that there are Orca  in Scotland.’ Aaron

‘We made posters about conserving our local areas.’ Joshua

We have also been very busy creating our Enterprise crafts……. We will be calling our company ‘Christmas Clay Creations’ and can’t wait to sell them at our school fayre.


This week we have been learning about time. All the children in P5/6 should be practising telling the time using their watch.


“We have learned that after half past the time tells us ‘to’ the next hour.” Emma Louise

“The small hand points to the hour and the big hand points to the minutes.” Mia

“We are working on 24 hour time.” Kayleigh

In IDL the children have been comparing and contrasting local and global landscapes. They created beautiful silhouettes of their chosen scene depicting land and wildlife.

“There is a variety of landscapes e.g. rural, city and tropical.” Lauren

“I did an African landscape as a silhouette.” Morgan

I’ve learned about different climates in the world.” Joshua





Primary 5/6 have had a very busy week….

We have been learning about 2 & 3-D shape, food chains, cooking and Pesach. We also decided on our Christams Show songs!!!!!! Did you know there is only 48 more sleeps until  Chrsitmas.

‘I’ve learned how to make pizza and bake simple scones.’ Gabrielle

‘I’ve learned food chains always start with plants and end with animals.’ Morgan

‘A predator is something that eats other animals and a prey is what is killed.’ Megan R

”I’ve learned lots of different 2 and 3-D shape names. New shapes I now know are the square and triangular based pyramids.’ Jack

‘I can name 2-D shapes.’ David

‘I’ve learned about photosynthesis. It is when a plant uses the sun to make food. It makes sugar/glucose.’ Megan C

‘Producers are plants and consumers are what eats them. Producers produce thier own food.’ Callum W

Reading Buddies

P5/6  had the opoportunity to work with the P4’s. They listened to them read and assessed their reading skills.

They gave their partner feedback based on their fluency, expression, pace and volume.

They also offered each reader 2 Stars and a Wish

My 2 stars and a wish are….

All children worked really well together

I loved how enthusiastic the children were

I wish we can arrange to peer assess our reading again soon!