All posts by Mrs McAuley

Sport Relief

The Charity Council have organised Sport Relief for next Friday 18th.

We will be walking a mile for charity.

The Charity Council will be selling wristbands to the children starting Monday next week at £1 each. 

Remember you need to dress up in a wacky sports outfit next Friday 18th March too!

£1 donation for dressing up

Another Fabulous Friday!!

Here in P5/6 we are all exhausted as we reach the weekend. We have worked very hard all week and learned many interesting things.

We have been learning about drug awareness, division and multiplication and Scottish engineers.

‘I learned that not all drugs are bad.’ Mia

‘legal drugs, such as medicine, can also be misued.’ Sam

‘I learned about how drugs can be misused even if they are legal.’ Megan R

‘The invention of the steam enginge helped to develop other machines and inventions.’ Lyndsey

‘I learned that there have been a lot of Scottish engineers.’ Joshua

‘I learned that when dividing by ten you can just take away the zero.’ Aimee Cara

‘Some drugs can kill you.’ David

‘In division the remainder cannot be higher that the number you are dividing by.’ Kai

‘I have learned about the concequences of drugs.’ Kayleigh

‘Division  is the inverse of multiplication.’ Jack


Happy Friday Folks

‘We have been learning about multiplication. When multiplying you always start with the units.’ Morgan

‘I have learned to do 4-digit multiplication.’ Jack

‘I have learned about influential people and how they have shaped our future.’ Lauren

‘In art we were looking at line and tone. We picked out a feature on our face and tried to improve our drawings.’ Sam

‘I learned lots of information about a famous Scottish Missionary called David Livingstone.’ Lewis

“I learned how to do smile multiplication.’ Mackenzie

World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day

As every year World Thinking Day 2016 is on 22nd February and children who are members of the Brownies or Girl Guides Association are welcome to wear their uniforms to school on Monday  if they wish, to help mark this important celebration where we are encouraged to think about our sisters and brothers in all countries around the world!

We look forward to seeing some Brownies and Guides uniforms on Monday!

Another Busy Week

This week we have been very busy learning all about decimals, Scotland and Islam.

We have been learning about decimals in money, how to add and subtract decimals and finished the week off with our decimal assessment.

‘Always remember at the start to put the decimal in.’ Joshua

We also finished off our Scotland topic. We presented our personal projects,  completed our portrait competition and our learning logs.

‘I really enjoyed this topic.’ Megan C

‘We had a focus on Robert Burns.’ Callum L

‘I enjoyed going to the People’s Palace to learn about the past.’ Megan R

‘I enjoyed finding out about Bonnie Prince Charlie.’ Ewan

We have also found out alot about Islam. We have researched the Five Pillars and create some beautiful Islamic Art.

‘I liked researching and presented a PPT about the Five Pillars of Islam.’ Lyndsey

‘I enjoyed creating the Islamic Art.’ Mia

Burns competition

Today we are taking part in a whole school Burns competition. We are reciting To A louse. We have been practising very hard and hope to win!!


People’s Palace

We had an amazing time at the People’s Palace in Glasgow. We learned all about  Scottish society from the past and can compare it with out present lives. The museum was full of interesting artefacts which help us compare and contrast the lifestyles.

Fun with Fractions

This week we have been learning all about fractions. We can identify halves, quarter and many more fractions. We have also been looking at complex fractions which have been very tricky.

‘I have learned how to do fractions and it gets easier to understand the more I practice.’ Lauren

‘As you do it more it gets easier and easier.’ Megan C

‘Now that I understand it, It’s easier.’ Sam’

‘Doing complex fractions is fun.’ Mackenzie

‘At first I thought it was really hard but now it’s easier.’ Joshua

Our mini topic thsi term is Scotland. We will be practising Scottish songs and poems and taking part in a Burns competition. We will also be comparing life in Scotland past and present.

‘I have researched schools in the past. If you were misbehaving you had to wear a cone on your head,’ Aaron

‘I learned how to recite a poem in the style of Robert Burns.’ Calum

‘I have learned about kilts and tartan.’ Mia

‘When we were doing the poem I found the language hard to understand.’ Morgan