All posts by Mrs McAuley

Walk to school week

It’s been ‘Walk to School Week’ and we have walked a mile each day. We have also had great fun ‘blinging’ up our shoes, check out the picture on the school twitter account.

We have also been learning about the human organs and body systems.

‘I know that the vital organs are protected by our bones.’ Callum L

‘This afternoon we had a visit from Cumbernauld Academy. They showed us a sneak peek of their school show… It looks FAB!!’ Aimee

‘The SPCA came to talk to us about animals and our oyster catchers. They gave us advice on how to look after them.’ Lauren

We have also made our frieze for the school show and can’t wait for you to see it!!

Another Busy Week

We’ve had another super week. We have been working hard in our maths and developing our knowledge and understanding of function machines and equations. We have also been practising for our school show and can’t wait until it show time!!!

Our Week

‘We have been painting pictures in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. I used small brush strokes.’ Aimee Cara

‘We have been learning about grid references. We identified coordinates.’ Mia

‘We practised our painting style before our final piece.’ Aaron

‘We did our 12 times table. I learned to add in 2’s to help me.’ Joshua

‘I learned about grid references. I made a map of the nature garden then made it into a grid. I was able to plot and identify coordinates.’ David

Thank You

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to visit P5/6 today. We hope you enjoyed the time spent in our classroom, we enjoyed having you!

‘ I enjoyed all the parents coming in. ‘ – David

‘ I enjoyed showing the parents what we have been working on. ‘ – Callum L

‘ I enjoyed talking to my friend`s parents ‘ – Jack

‘ Today I enjoyed the parents coming in. ‘ –  Ewan

‘ I enjoyed painting during Me Time. ‘ – Kayleigh

‘ I enjoyed showing people around the school. ‘ – Lewis

‘ I am so happy the parents enjoyed looking around the school. ‘ – Emma Louise

A Wonderful Week

In art we are looking at Vincent Van Gogh. We have researched information about him and are practising working using his style.

‘He uses bold bright colours.’ Mia

‘We have sketched a landscape that we will paint in his style.’ Aimee

In maths we have been learning about information handling. We can use a variety of ways to display and gather information.

‘When doing information handling we can count using tally marks.’ Aimee Cara

‘We have been doing CLIC tests using our whiteboards.’ Callum W

We also visited Abronhill Bowling Club  and we given a taster session in bowls.

‘I really enjoyed playing bowls.’ Lyndsey

Abronhill Bowling

This morning we had a great time at our taster session at Abronhill Bowling Club. The ladies and gentlemen helped us learn more about the sport and we got to play in teams. It was pretty chilly and rainy but that didn’t dampen our spirits, we still had a ball… Or a bowl!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Abronhill Bowling club and all the helpers.

What a week!!!!

This week we have  been super busy and worked our socks off!!

We have been enjoying the sunshine whilst we can and have taken a lot of our learning outdoors. We have also enjoyed our new visitors to our school, two Oyster Catchers along with 3 eggs. They have been nesting in our planters. We will be trying our best to make them feel safe and staying away from the eggs.


We have also been working hard in maths learning about volume and researching Vincent Van Gogh.

‘I have learned to measure the volume of what a variety of containers can hold.’ Megan R

‘I learned that Vincent Van Gogh admitted himself into a mental hospital.’ Megan C

‘ I have enjoyed working  outside.’ Gabrielle

‘I learned lots of information about Van Gogh and I was able to tell my mum all about him.’ Lyndsey

As we develop our knowledge and understanding of Van Gogh the children will be creating images in his style. All children are asked to bring in a picture of a landscape of their choice to develop. This can be a photo, postcard, picture from a magazine, newspaper or a book. All images will be returned.



Spring Break!

P5/6 have worked super hard this term and deserve a well earned rest!! We have been learning about Substance Misuse, Influential figures, mulitplication and division, Blooming Butterflies, created Spring Scenes in art, auditioned for the school show and thoroughly enjoyed our POLO day. We have squeezed ALOT into term 3 and are looking forward to our final term.

” I’ve enjoyed learning about the dangers of Substance Misuse.’ Gabrielle

‘We went out to look at the blooming butterflies.’ Joshua

‘I have enjoyed doing drama.’ Aaron

‘I have enjoyed learning about the risks of drugs.’ David

‘I know about the effects on drugs and what they do to your body.’ Callum L

‘The blooming butterflies really helped us complete our learning logs.’ Megan C


Spring Scenes

P5/6 enjoyed a lovely afternoon creating spring scenes. We went outdoors for some inspiration and brought a little bit of the outdoors in!

We had a focus of looking at line and shape. We worked really hard creating our images and hope you like them.

We were also delighted to see we had more tadpoles in our pond! We can’t wait to see them hopping around!

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