All posts by Mrs McAuley

What a week!!!

As usual P5/6 have been very very busy!! We have finished of our Forces topic and are  now feeling festive ready for our Christmas performance. We had a great time at the Panto, thoroughly enjoyed the handball tournament and finished of our week baking and decorating Christmas biscuits.

We can’t believe the term is almost over!!

Feeling Festive

We have all been working very hard on our song practise this week. We think that you will all be super impressed with our performance at the Christmas show.

We have also been continuing to learn about forces and enjoyed our parachute experiment.

Skills 4 Bills, Food Technology and Gravity

This week we have been working really hard in all areas of the curriculum.

In Food Technology we practsied the claw and bridge method when copping food. We used these methods to make yummy fruit salads.

We also had skills4bills in the school. They were great. We learned how easy it is to over spend and how to try and save money each month.

In Science we have been investigating all about gravity. We found out information about Isaac Newton. We know that he discovered gravity.

The Rainforest

This week we have continued to learn about the Rainforest. We have been researching animals that live in the Rainforest and can identify the flow of energy through food chains.

‘I can list the layers of the Rainforest.’ Emma

‘I created  a food chain,’ Darcie

‘I understand the flow of energy between animals in the Rainforest. I know that all energy starts from the sun.’ Tegan


Colours of Brazil

This week we have been developing our knowledge of Brazil. We can identify features that make Brazil a special place to visit. We created leaflets with interesting information.

‘The leaflets  were fun to make and I enjoyed finding out more information about Brazil.’ Hannah

”We gathered information using ICT and recorded it in our IDL jotters.’ Darcie

We have also been report writing and will be able to create our own reports this week.

‘I liked doing the report on big cats.’ Faith

‘I know that a report must have sub-headings.’ Niamh

Viva Brazil!!

This week we have been learning all about Brazil. We have been comparing Brazil to Scotland. We have found out lots of interesting facts…..

‘The Olympics were held in Rio this year.’ Leona

‘Brazil is located in South America.’ Keeley

‘Brazil borders ten countries.’ Neve

‘Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world.’ Owen





We are back this week with a bang!

We have settled in really well to Primary 5/6 and our new class.


Today we are thoroughly enjoying the fun day and having a great time participating in all the activities!

‘I enjoyed the Sumo suits.’ Sian

‘I like the Taekwon-Do’ Declyn

‘I had great fun on the inflatable assault course.’ Owen

‘I enjoyed the rugby.’ Lucas


Sports Day Fun

P5/6 are throroughly enjoying Sports Day. So far we have taken part in the inflatable assault course, tested our agility and practised our shots at football and basketball.

We are looking forward to making fruits kebabs, walking the daily mile and competing in the flat races!

‘I enjoyed the basketball challenge’ Mia

‘I the assault course’ David

‘I found the assault course tricky’ Lyndsey